Arnav room.
Arnav look at his brothers...
Arnav: Where is she....

Raha walk inside with tears.... She walk slowly...Arnav look toward the door and his heart skip...

Arnav look at her with tears.
He was seeing his Raha after three years...

Siya look at them... she could see love in his son eyes. Something she hasn't seen for the past three years....

Raha stand in front of Arnav..
Arnav: Did you miss me angel...

Raha just look at him...
Arnav: Raha it's me your Arnav... your monkey....

Raha cry... and she hug him tightly...
Raha: Please don't ever leave me again Arnav... all these years I thought you were not in this world.... I thought I lost you forever Arnav... in the hospital they told me you were dead...

Arnav: Shushh calm down Ra... see I am perfect and I am in front of you...

Raha cry more...
Raha: I was miserable without you Arnav.... I stop living... thank god laksh blackmail me to come here or else I would have never find you...

Arnav: No one will be able to separate us anymore Ra... no one....

Raha: Don't leave me again.... Please...

Arnav: Ra listen to me. I will never leave you again...

Arnav look at Shivaay. He gave him the anklet.
Arnav show her the anklet. Raha was shock.

Raha: what is this doing with you?

Arnav: our bangles got exchange angel and you drop you anklet and I pick it up. It's all destiny... we are meant for each other.

Raha smile with tears in her eyes.

Siya: Arnav what's happening.
Arnav look at his family...

Arnav: mom Bhai and bhabhi this is Raha. My wife... we both got married three years ago. The day I did the accident I was coming home to tell you all everything but unfortunately I couldn't...

Siya: but why did you get marry without my blessing Arnav. Why didn't you tell us anything?

Arnav look down and sigh..
Raha look at Arnav.
Raha: you also told me you will tell me why we get marry fastly without our family knowledge...

"Because these two don't respect our culture mom. I am sure this girl force Arnav to marry her as he is the Arnav Singh Oberoi. And he is from one of the richest family!"

They look at Rhea angrily.

Shivaay: Seriously Rhea! Are you dumb or you act dumb! If Raha love Arnav for his money only she wouldn't still here... crying every night for him! It would have been easy for her to move on... and do you know who is she.. the Raha Sooryavanshi! So shut up.

Raha look at Shivaay emotionally.

Raha: Thank you Shivaay. I was always rude with you.

Shivaay: I understand Raha... you were like this because of Arnav... but you both are reunited now.

Raha: thank you for always being here for me. Trying to put me in a good mood.

Shivaay: Always Raha. You are like a little sister to me.

Raha hug him.
Raha: Thank you.

Shivaay smile.

Raha look at Arnav. She smile.
Raha: i am so happy.

Shivaay: finally you have smile.

Raha: I say I will only smile if I see Arnav.

Arnav: mom I hope you will accept Raha.

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