Next morning.
Oberoi mansion.
Ansh Room.
Ansh were laying on his bed.... He heard his fo door open... he look and saw Rhea coming... she lock the door.

Ansh immediately stand up and hug her.
Ansh: No one saw you come here right?

Rhea: No don't worry.

Ansh: I have a gift for you baby...

Rhea: Gift really....

Ansh; Of course...

Ansh give her a fancy box....
Rhea open the fancy box and look at the diamond necklace.

Rhea: Omg Ansh. That's so beautiful. Thank you....
Rhea has a big smile on her face... she was touching the necklace...

Ansh then snatch the necklace from her hand and broke it..

Rhea: Ansh what are you doing... Ansh!

Ansh: Dont ever insult my brother gift Rhea! Even if I love you... I love my brother too! Don't insult him!

Rhea: But Ansh! My parents never bought me these cheap things! They always bought me luxurious things.... 

Ansh: You could have not accept it... you didn't need to insult it... you could refuse it nicely.

Rhea: I am sorry. I won't do this happen. And I will talk to him soon about our divorce.

Ansh: Thank you...and this was a fake necklace. Here..

Ansh hand her another box.
Rhea smile.

Rhea: Thank you Ansh. I love you..
Ansh kiss her forehead.

Rhea: I need to go. See you later.
Ansh nods and Rhea left.

Raha office.
Raha spend most on her times in her office as it keep her busy....

Raha was doing something on her laptop when she heard the door open and saw Shivaay coming....

Shivaay sat in front of Raha. Raha look at him...

Raha: Do we have a meeting?

Shivaay: No! I just wanted to come by..

Raha: Is their a particular reasons?

Shivaay smile...
Shivaay: No...

Shivaay eyes went to the pink and green bangles on the table...
Shivaay: Where did you get that..

Raha: I stole it..

Shivaay: Are you always that sarcastic?

Raha: Of course I bought it? It got exchange with someone but this is my favorite colors so...

Shivaay smile and think about Arnav..
"It's destiny. This bangles bought by Arnav went to someone that actually love bangles..wowww. Rhea insulted Arnav gift and Raha loved it. Two different personalities"

Raha: Why are you laughing like a fool.

Shivaay: You took a white bracelets right.

Raha nodded.
Shivaay: It got exchange with my brother...

Raha: Oh...

Shivaay: Anyway.. do you want to have a coffee with me.

Raha look at him..
Raha: Okay...

They both stand up and walk to the door....
While they were going out they collide with each other and Raha fall in Shivaay arm.

They look at each other.
Shivaay: I think you like to fall in my arm.

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