(Not a chapter btw)

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A/N: before we get into the story, I'll have you know this isnt a chapter, but i wanted to share this with you guys. Its a story I wrote for a school competition (apparently it was for fifth graders and my teacher misinformed me lol) and its based off The Prophet's song.. So, enjoy!

The Madman's Prophecy

1982, Frederick Grayson, a teenage boy in his 9th year of school was having a rough day. Fredrick was tall and handsome with dark brown eyes and blond hair. He was being called crazy for having these strange dreams of the earth destroyed and dead. That night before going to sleep, he saw that his bed had some huge hole in it and inside the hole was an empty void. He presumed that he was just hallucinating and jumped onto his cosy bed. Before he knew it, he was falling and screaming. This made him think that he was actually crazy. He fell until he hit the ground. Hard.

"Where am I?" He asked himself. He looked around to see if anybody was there. He saw a moonlit staircase leading to some clouds. Out of curiosity, he walked up those stairs. There were many stairs to climb, and at some point he got tired. He sat down on the 394th stair to catch his breath. Before his eyes was an old man. The man was frail and pale yet had eyes so blue and wide. His smile was crooked, yet sweet.

He pointed Frederick to a white screen shaped as a ball. He held his hand out and a picture of the earth projected on the ball. Frederick turned to him in confusion. "The earth?" He asked him. The old man nodded. He held his hand out again and closed his eyes. A new picture projected on the screen, with destruction everywhere, suffering, children crying. Fear took the old man's gaze. He turned to Fredrick, asking him what he saw. Fredrick was horrified. "I- I see no day. It's all destroyed." The old man nodded and headed up the stairs. "Wait!" Frederick called to him. "Why do you not speak? What are you trying to tell me? Is this what the Earth is coming to?" The old man kept walking. Fredrick started running after him. He abruptly stopped as the old man had signaled him to wait. He pointed out to another screen. speak?" The old man ignored the question and continued with his next visual. It was him, but young. People around him were treating him badly. It seemed that he was a fortune teller. But people thought he was cursed as whatever he said, came true. They thought he was a wizard of misfortune and killed him. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, good sir. But can you please just tell me why you have brought me here?" The visual changed. The earth had literally cracked into two parts, with its core of fire leaking out. There was death all around.

Frederick panicked. ''But, what about humanity? Do they not trust each other" The old man sighed and shook his head. He signalled him to do as he shows on the visual. He showed him a visual of him warning people, but they call him crazy once again. But he had strictly instructed him to warn people. "But what if no one listens? I could be sent to a hospital for mentals!" The old man shook his head and knelt down. He opened his mouth and spoke. "Listen to the madman." he said and floated away. Frederick stood up. There were many people running, screaming, crying and praying for their dear lives. Comparing both the visuals he saw, Frederick said, "They don't realize, do they? They've realized late. They're counting their days too early now."

The old man pointed him to another screen. "Why dont you talk?" Frederick asked. Another visual came up on the screen. "You spoke! But wait. What if they do not trust me? Good sir? What am I to do? GOOD SIR?" As he was calling to the old man, he felt heavy tremors in the ground. He looked back and saw that the ground was cracking. He gasped and tried to run, but fell.

Frederick woke up in the room with a gasp, covered in cool sweat. He looked at the time and realised it was time for school. He got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, but the old man's words rang in his head. "Listen to the madman." It was in his head for the whole day. At school, he tried to warn everyone that he saw bad things in the future. While some people trusted him, many of them thought he was crazy, including the teachers. He scoffed and yelled "You will all regret it one day! That's a promise." He explained to those who had faith in him that if they didn't make a change in the world, it would all be annihilated. From that moment onwards, they started social services to the environment, to elders and animals. People around them laughed at this, calling them cute little elves. But they ignored them, knowing what they were doing was right

2027, Frederick was now an old man. He sat in front of the TV, disappointed in what the world had become. He watched the news channel, each one of them reporting a global warming issue. He got angry. After warning them, they didn't listen. Under his breath, he said:
"Listen to the madman."


thoughts? its pretty bad lmao but idk it was worth a shot ig and I'd love to hear your opinions!

Here's a sneak peak for the next chapter of the gc book:

Brian: Roger, do not bring your car as a "date" we're all moving in together for fucks sake, we're having a garage anyways

Roger: do nOT insult my precious you nasty 

Freddie: ....I havent read LOTR, but Roger's turned into a gollum..

John: arent we supposed to be planning a valentines day dinner-

Freddie: Speaking of valentines, when I bring Mary over I'll show you guys the new song I wrote for her and for the album

Brian: I dont thing Good Company would be much of a love song... I don't have anything to play

John: ohh that's ok Brian, we wont consider Roger's song anyways


Freddie: ....I'm reading LOTR immediately.

John: Roger if you bring your car, we gonna scream: YOU



John: That's not the line..

Freddie: I had to jazz it up, dear

Brian: well, see you guys soon then, Roger bring a human pls

Roger: Brian will you go with me?

Brian: ....Roger... I....


I'll leave you hanging there MUAHAHAHAHA

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