Chapter 10. Confronting the coward

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Pal pal dil ke paas
tum rehti ho
Pal pal Dil ke pass
Tum rehti ho
Jeevan meethi pyaas yeh kehti ho
Pal pal dil ke paas tum rehti ho

Pal pal dil ke paastum rehti hoPal pal Dil ke passTum rehti hoJeevan meethi pyaas yeh kehti hoPal pal dil ke paas tum rehti ho🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

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"Mr. Malhotra can you please come to my cabin right now?"

" Yes mam"

I disconnected the call listening his positive response.
He came inside with a knock and I gestured him to sit.

The gifts were on the table on display. I could see a small smile forming on the corner of his lips.

"Mr. Malhotra I actually need a help from you. It's not official. Like it's a personal matter. "

I said and he licked his lips in nervousness. I smirked slightly and said,

"You see these things here, I am receiving them one by one since morning. Don't know who is this person sending me gifts that too of my preference! I think he is some psycho stalker or something."

His eyes widened listening to me and I smiled internally. I continued,

"Kon si dhaara lgegi iss paagal pe ?"

I said looking at him.
He frowned and I said,

" You are a lawyer right ! So I need this advice from you. You know I need to know that taking lawful action would help or I would have to do something unlawful"

I said and he gulped. Hi eyes widened and he immediately said,

" Wait what do you mean by that ?! And why do you have to punish the guy, like he might be genuinely feeling for you. You never know right !

You might have not liked his way of approach but try to think from his perspective also na , he must be scared of you and who wouldn't be ! The whole department is scared of you! Please don't freak out and think calmly.

By the way the gifts are not looking bad as well, I think you should accept them . You know you should respect his efforts."

He rambled up in one go and I chuckled internally but my face was as usual, emotionless.

I got from my chair and started walking towards him. He got scared and stood up from his chair. I kept on walking towards him and stood in front of him.

The distance between was was not more than an inch. I could see him breathing heavily. I smirked internally looking at my effect on him.

"Are you by any chance related to that guy? You seem so touchy and sympathetic towards him!"

I whispered in his ears and he instantly moved back and gulped.

"What, no! There's nothing as such. How would I know him! I was just saying you to think calmly you know!"

He stuttered while saying and I smirked.

"Why are you stuttering Mr. Lawyer?
Are you also scared from me like the whole department?"

I said looking at him and he cleared his throat and said
" I..I am not scared or anything"
He stated and I moved back.

"You know I'm confused. How does he knows this much about me ? How can he gift me all these things without knowing me closely?"
I said raising my eyebrows.

"How would I know?"

He said and I again went close to him. I could sense his heartbeat increasing insanely due to the proximity.
I looked straight into his eyes meeting with his brown doe ones.
I moved close to his ears and whispered,

"Next time, don't ask Niti. Ask me. And yes, I don't like coward people. If you wanna gift something, come straight to me and hand it looking straight into my eyes."

I said and moved back looking at him.

He looked at me in pure shock and tried to say something.
He opened his mouth to speak something but I instantly placed my index finger on his lips and said,

"Let's talk when you gather some courage. Leave!"

He looked at me for a few seconds and left the room. As soon as he left, I sat on my chair and spared a glance at the gifts. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes leaning back on my chair.
I called Ritesh and asked him to bring a strong cup of coffee. I called Niti. She picked up after a few rings.

" Why the fuck did you talk to him regarding me ! How can you tell him about me haa ? What do you think of yourself?!"

I lashed out on her. After a second of silence,she replied
"Your bestfriend"

Just these two words made me completely silent. I couldn't get any words and I just mumbled one word

" Why ?"

She took a long breath and replied,

"Because you need someone Taru.You cannot live like this for the rest of your life. Just look at yourself. You have no one except me to call as your own, your family! When did you last met your parents? Last visited your home ? Met your old friends?

You just spend your time by rather working or taking out your frustrations on the criminals. Only having me is not enough Taru ! And I am not telling you to purpose him or something but what's wrong in being friends?

Maybe you two would understand each other. Don't let your anger overpower you and think calmly."

I listened to her and then disconnected the call without saying anything. I was feeling suffocated in my cabin and I just took the keys of my personal car and left the office. I drove and stopped the car near a beach.

I walked towards the beach and sat down on a bench near seashore. There were not much people in the beach and it was quite. I was looking at the waves.

The light breeze brushing my face was feeling thereputic and I closed my eyes to relax. I sat there for some time and then left for home.

This was the chapter lovelies 💜
Hope you all liked it 🤍

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Take care

Love, Naina 🫶🏻💓

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