Chapter 20. The hide and seek for USB.

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I got down from the taxi after doing the payment. I hurriedly took out my personal car from my parking lot and drove towards SAIB headquarters as fast as I could.
I was driving dangerously fast with my grip so tightened on the steering wheel that my knuckles turned white. I was extremely anxious thinking about the consequences.

No, he cannot get involved.

That pure soul cannot enter my dark world.

He doesn't deserve it.

I have to save him.

"Aayan, I have to go somewhere. It's urgent."
" But where are you going suddenly and what were you saying in French?"

"Kriti is actually born and raised in France so it's easy for her if we talk in French. She really needs me; I have to go to her."

"Should I drop you?"
"No, I'll go by myself."
"No, it's okay I'll drop you."
"She has booked a cab for me. I will go."

I lied again. I don't know how many lies more I have to say. Don't know how many more secrets I will have to hide from him.
And for how long?
What if he gets to know before I tell him?

No,no,no....this is not possible!

All these thoughts were lingering my mind, but I tried to focus on driving. I covered the distance of 40 minutes in just 25 minutes breaking all the speed limits.

I hurriedly stormed inside the building with my shoes thumping on the floor. I was in the morning attire but I cared the least. I went inside to see a tensed Kriti.

"Tara , you came!"  She said in a relieved voice looking at me and I nodded and said,
"Come with me, I need to talk to you."
I said in a serious tone and entered into a room with her. We both seated on the chairs and she asked,

"How did that pen drive reach Aayan Malhotra? I mean we got a pen drive at the party in Oberoi Mansion, right?" Where is that one?"
I asked her to which she replied,

"That one,


"Kartik, you got the pen drive?"

"Yes, here take it."

I connected the pen drive to my laptop and the data flashed,



" It is impossible to find me. Don't try AAINA RAJVANSHI, your death will come to you soon."

This was the only note present inside the pen drive. Seriously, this much struggle I did just for this stupid threat! 

Flashback ends<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"That pen drive was fake. He is trying to play hide and seek with me. The original one is with Aayan. But the main question is, how did that pen drive reach him?" I said with a bit of confusion laced in my voice.

"Mr. Agarwal came to know that our agency is searching for that pen drive so for his safety, he gave that pen drive to Aayan Malhotra making an excuse." She said in a tensed voice.

"What excuse?"  I asked.

"He said that his daughter has kleptomania.
(a disease in which a person is addicted to stealing stuff)
And this pen drive is very important for him. He doesn't wants to get it misplaced by her so he insisted Aayan to keep it with him for a few days."

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