First Encounters

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[You being a fan, not knowing about Sae]

Rin Itoshi was always overshadowed by his older brother, constantly being referred to as "Sae Itoshi's lil bro".

He'd be lying if he said it didn't bother him

Even the girls at school were only interested in him for the fame

But you were "nOt LiKe ThE oThEr GiRlS 🤪🥺" (lord save me)

You've seen several of Rin's games, including the most recent one. He wasn't quite playing as well as he usually did, but this went relatively unnoticed by fans

After the game, you took a gamble and decided to approach the boy

"Hey... Rin Itoshi right? Great game!" she tried to optimistic and complement him

"...Huh?" He just stared 😭 "Who are you...??"

"We're classmates...? I just wanted to say I really liked watching you play! That last move was amazing, I can see why you went down the left side instead of the right, with defense being so tight and all.." she was starting to regret talking to the dry boy and laughed awkwardly "Well... Good luck with your next game!" she bowed and left

Rin just kinda stood there ;v;

"Huh... someone actually was watching me..." Bro had the smallest smile on his face

[You and Sae were roommates, Shidou crashes when he's not home]

Being roommates was Sae was pretty chill

In fact, half the time, he wasn't even home. Like now, for instant, he was out on a business trip and wouldn't be home for another day

So imagine your surprise when you were peacefully watching Chainsaw Man in the living room, and your front door flies open

In the doorway stood a tall tanned man with blonde hair and pink eyes

"SAE MY LOVEEEE~ IM HERE FOR YOU" The man practically chanted, you had no clue if he knew whether or not you were there

He finally notices, and there was a moment of awkwardness

"... Wtf are you doing iN MY HOUSE???"




Mentally facepalming at this man's stupidity- "Sae isn't home right now, also how did you get in??"

Shidou just shrugged "There was a key under the doormat" he spun it around his finger

You looked this man up and down, tbh, if he was an intruder, there was no way  you could take him "You're Shidou Ryusei right? I remember you from one of Sae's games..." you said, mentally recalling the guy scream about dopamine

"Yessirr~" he grinned "Best striker in the world right here!"

You could do nothing but sigh as you reached for your popcorn and prepared to get back to watching, "Mr tan man will sort himself out..." you wished thought

His eyes shot to the screen as you resumed the show, "Are you watching Chainsaw Man?" he asked



And before you knew it, he was curled up beside you eating your popcorn as you two binged the night away

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