Receiving Love Letters (2/2)

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Ness had put a bit too much effort into his letter, spending every hour of every day working on it

Kaiser had to drag him out of his room if he wanted to go anywhere

And finally came the day that Ness finished it, now it was time to deliver it to you

But he started doubting himself, and was about to turn back around to redo it, worried that it wasn't good enough for you

But Kaiser pushed him into you, giving Ness a semi-encouraging smile (but really he was thinking smt like "cmon Ness, just get it over with...")

Poor Ness could not stop stuttering, with every second his face grew hotter

"I- HERE." he bowed before shoving the letter in your face and running off

He basically melted once he was out of your line of sight


"Ness, stop freaking out, it's literally over-"

"Kaiserrrr, what if she hate's meeeeeeee ;n; "


You opened the letter, interested by what he'd write

"Mein Engel, I love you so so much, much more then you could ever believe, I'd do anything for you ♡ Please go out with me? I beg you, I'll even get on my knees if you ask, please please go out with me. It'll make me the happiest guy in the world, I'll be so lucky if you do. I find it hard to believe you like me at all, but I promise I'll be perfect for you ♡♡♡ Please, just one chance?"

You giggled as you put the paper away, looking forwards to hanging out w/him more


Otoya didn't see the point in beating around the bush, so he approached you after school one day

"Hey, so you do like me, I was right!" He smirked with a smug face as he put his hands in his pockets

You hesitated, you should've expected that he'd be so direct and cocky. "If you're just here to make fun of me you can go..." you mumbled, slightly embarrassed, and regretted sending the letter

He laughed "No no that's not what i'm here for. I actually came to ask you out." Otoya smiled, it seemed genuine, but who knows

"...Huh-?? You fr??" you were understandably skeptical, this man plays around with every girl

"Yea, 100%. I even stopped talking to other girls just for you, so you better accept."

"Wait you what-??"

"WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY- is that I like you and we should go out." He said, smiling, but his face was starting to flush

You notice this and found it quite amusing, "Alright alright, I'll go out with you, Mr. F2ck Boy" you teased

He laughed, and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, "Great, I'll dm you the details" and with that, he left

Internally he was so happy, you actually agreed! He smiled to himself, looking like an idiot

Meanwhile, Karasu, Yukimiya, and Hiori watched from afar, silently laughing at him

(I now notice that this is also totally smt that could happen w/Kaiser- so to those who want more Kaiser content, you can pretend this is it ;)


In typical Karasu fashion, he felt the need to one up you. So he encrypted his letter as well, challenging you to decode it

He put the letter in front of you, and sat down on the other side of the table.

He had asked to meet with you, so you weren't that surprised. You looked at the letter then back at him, "You sure you want me to read this in front of you?" you questioned

"Go ahead and try, this is the hardest one yet." he sounded proud of himself for coming up with such a complex code

"Alright" you shrugged and picked up the paper.

You glanced through the paper, comparing the patterns and symbols. Karasu may've been proud, but this type of cipher was actually incredible common

"Got it." You looked up at him, only having stared at it for a few seconds

Karasu's jaw dropped "No you don't- there's no way you figured it out that quickly!"

You laughed "This is one of the most famous codes used in WWII, you know that right?"


You gave him an amused look, before reading his letter aloud to him "Dear [Y/N], I actually really like you too-"

"AHHIUSHEFLIUAGE;F- SHUT IT-" he stood up suddenly, embarrassed

You burst out laughing, "What's wrong? Thought you were okay with me reading it in front of you?"


You continued to laugh, before gathering yourself as you read the letter while Karasu sat back down, burying his red face into his arms

You finished reading the letter with a smile, and tapped him on his head

He looked up at you, face still flushed, "So, whatcha say?" Karasu asked, barely louder than a whisper

"Sure, I'd love to" you responded, smiling


"Reo, you should really try to focus more.... And i'm saying that-" Nagi commented.

Reo had been spacing out for all of practice, and would occasionally groan or cry in embarrassment. He and Nagi were dropping off his love letter earlier that day, and you had caught them in the action. Reo froze up for a few seconds, as Nagi just watched, eventually having to drag him away and run

"ahHHHH NAGII IM SO STUPID" Reo cried, falling to his knees

"Yea I know, but seriously chill out..."

" :((( "


You were just about to grab your things from your locker to go home when you saw Reo sliding the envelope through the slits in the door. You just watched him, slightly shocked as he continued.

Finally he stood up and turned around, making eye contact with you.

Reo's eyes shot open, his mouth slightly agape. He did NOT plan for you to see this-

You both stood there for a second, before Nagi dragged Reo away, leaving you there to process what just happened.

You shook it off, and opened you locker, then the letter

"[Y/N], I love you, thank you so much for giving me a chance. I promise I'll be the best man for you, would you like to join me for dinner?"

Despite the actual letter being pretty short, he had a whole speech on how much he loved you, prepared for when you two went out. He had also slipped a few $100 dollar bills in there, just for good measure ;)

Please go out with him, he's gonna go emo if you don't :( 

I was pretty busy w/some irl stuff, and still will be so please be patient w/me 

I also post updates on the Convo page on my profile! so if you want to keep in touch, you should totally follow me ;) 

next chapter will be a Nagi Catchup! and dw, everyone else will be staying :3

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