First Date (1/3)

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A/N:YOO IM BACKK! I didn't think it'd take that long but it did, hope you don't mind ;v;  here's pt.1 of First Dates, with Rin, Shidou, and Sae


Rin doesn't see himself as someone who freaks out or panics a lot, he likes to think he's pretty chill

And yet here he was, preparing for a date, 8 hours before the arranged time.

He pulled out the first outfit and stared at it, "I shouldn't pick anything too fancy, it's just a movie anyway..." he muttered to himself while pulling out more clothes

He finally had everything prepared, his fanny pack with all necessities, and his fit simple and practical

Now all he had to do was wait for the time... which was two hours from now

Rin ended up getting there 30 minutes before the arranged time

"Hey Rin! Sorry if I'm a bit late..." you laughed awkwardly. You were not late, in fact, you were 5 minutes early. "Were you waiting for a long time?"

"No, not at all" he put his ear buds away and gave you his full attention "You ready to go?"

The two of you slowly made your way over to the theater, chit chatting about all kinds of things

"You wanna sneak some food in?" you grinned at him while pointing at a convenience store to your left

"That's not legal is it...."



You were in charge of grabbing snacks, and Rin grabbed drinks. He browsed the shelfs for a bit before grabbing four different kinds, including your favourite that you had mentioned on the walk

"Four?" you questioned the boy holding the bottles

"Yea. I got your favourite and some others." he held them up to show you, as if it was perfectly normal

"Won't that cost a lot...?" you stared at him, slightly concerned as he placed the items on the register, the total was going much above what you'd thought

"I'll pay." he insisted. And pay he did, you didn't even have time to respond before he tapped his card on the reader (not u)

"The only problem" he started, gathering the items "Is sneaking them in..."

"Oh, I can do that" you offered with a smile, sifting through the objects "I've got experience"

Rin nodded before pulling out his phone to check the time. Once he had put his phone away, all foods and drinks were out of sight

You just smiled at him as he just stared at you with wide eyes, as if he'd just seen a magic trick "Where did..." he looked you up and down, trying to figure it out

"Experience." you gave a smug nod

The two of you made your way over to the cinema, successfully passed through security, and sat down into your seats [for the sake of the plot, it's a pair of chairs that aren't separated, so there's nothing between you two😏 ]

You pulled out the snacks from who knows where and handed some to him

"So, what are we watching?"

"The Shining" he answered shortly, opening a bag of popcorn, silently wondering where you hid that much food

As the movie started, the two of you shared the snacks and watched carefully, few words exchanged 

If you disliked the horror parts, he put an arm around you and hid your face into his neck. If it got really bad, he'd put his hands over your ears and smile at you to try and comfort you.

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