First Date (2/3)

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A/N: Here's pt2 of 3, ft. Niko, Kaiser, and Ness!! hope u enjoy :)

[Manga/Anime cafe/store ]

Niko waited for you outside the school doors, the two of you had agreed to go to the new anime cafe as a date. It had been a few minutes since class ended and you still weren't there, Niko was getting worried "I swear if she-" he mumbled to himself

"NIKOO" you crashed into him, catching your breath "Sorry- *huff* the teacher- *huff* held us back..."

"Smh [Y/N]... what'd you do now?" he sighed, you getting in trouble was nothing new

"Nothing nothing" you reassured him, brushing yourself off "Anyway, you ready to go?"

Niko nodded as you both left the school grounds, chatting about whatever you found interesting. You spotted the cafe with cats in the windows, and he saw it too

"Niko Niko look! It's this one right?" you smiled at him as you pointed to the store

"Cute..." he replied, looking at you  the window "The cats I mean-"

You rolled your eyes as the bells above the doors ringed when he pushed it open, "Hello!" a woman greeted as you two entered "Can I get anything started for you? Or will you look around first?"

"We'll just look around" Niko was already walking towards the large shelfs of Manga on display "There's so many..." he stared in awe, talking to himself

You quickly skimmed the shelfs till one book caught your eyes, "Hey Niko," you pulled it out and showed him "Banana Fish, your favourite right?"

He quickly came over and took the book "Yea! Looks like they have all the volumes here! I'm only missing the 3rd and 8th, I'll read it here." he smiled while running a finger through the pages "Oh yea, this one's your favourite, right?" he took out another book and handed it to you, it was one you started recently and desperately tried to get Niko to read

"Mhm! You should totally give it a shot one day" you both took the books as you went up to order food

Niko flipped through the menu and pointed out some cute foods to you "Look, this one's themed after the main character. Oh I think you'll like this one, it looks pretty sweet." In the end, you both decided to share some Totoro styled waffles and each got your own themed side drinks.

While you waited for your food to arrive at your table, Niko told you about Banana Fish, and even listened to you rant about your favourite manga/anime while reading through your respective books.

"Have you watched Blue Lock?" You asked him excitedly, forgetting about the fourth wall

"...Blue Lock?"


Finally your food was ready, you put the books back and took photos (you did the finger hearts for the camera) before cutting it down the middle and taking a bite

"Geez slow down..." he joked, before eating his portion too. After a while, he excused himself quickly before leaving, you just shrugged and continued eating, almost done anyway

He quickly came back with two macarons in hand, blushing slightly, "For you..." he slid the first one to you, a face of your favourite character on it,

"Awww Geto :D wait what happened to his forehead-" you took a toothpick and poked lightly at it, whoever made the macaroon put red icing bubbles on his forehead

Niko held in a laugh "That's just foul..."

[Doesn't have to be Geto lol, just thought it was funny]

"Well, thank you for the macaron!" you gave him a quick smile "I hope it wasn't too much..."

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