Sending Love Letters!! (1/2)

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A/N: Part 1/2 of Sending Love Letters (you're sending)!! ft. Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, and Kaiser


Rin just finished showering, and was going through his school bag.

He tossed a few crumpled pieces of paper away, and pulled out his homework. As he did, a neatly crafted envelope slipped out from his notebook, the heart seal immediately catching his eyes.

He put his work aside and inspected the envelope, he did get occasional confessions at school, but this is the most effort and care he's seen in one. His name was written in cursive on the back, indicating that the letter was in fact for him.

"Who sent it... Could it be-No, no no. They wouldn't..." a familiar name popped into his head, but he'd never admit he was hoping it was you.

Rin sat down on his bed as he tore apart the letter carefully, making sure not to damage the paper. The letter was folded in half, little Sanrio characters around the border and neat handwriting

His eyes skimmed the paper, reading every word while holding it tightly.

Rin's face flushed as he read, by the end of it, he was red as a tomato. He'd never gotten so flustered from other confessions, why was it he felt so... strange reading this one? Was it because it was written in your handwriting? Or the fact that it was your initial sighed at the end?

No no no, surely not. At least that's what he told himself. "Right... It could be anyone, she's not the only one with that initial, and there's no way to be sure it's her handwriting. She's probably not the one who sent me this."

He dropped the paper, losing interest.

Not even 12 seconds passed til he picked it up again, "Sh1t, what if it is her..." Rin's face reddened at his own thoughts. He looked again at the handwriting.

"I'm sure she wrote this, that's her handwriting. She always tilts her 'E' slightly, and that's her pen for sure, she always writes in 0.38.... How do I know that-" He buried his face in his arms, embarrassed that he had unintentionally memorised almost everything about her.

"This is so pathetic, what if it's not her..." he frowned at the thought, he'd spent more time than he'd like to admit on the letter, but he couldn't bring himself away. He groaned as he fell back onto his pillow. On one hand, the love of his life might like him back, on the other, it could be some extra he didn't care about.

He lay there for a few moments of silence before getting interrupted

"So, you like someone?" Sae leaned against the open door of his room, observing Rin and his red face.

"I- HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE FOR!?" Rin shot up, quickly putting the letter under the blankets and threw his pillow at his brother

Sae tried to hold in a laugh as he caught the pillow "Calm down Rin, I just came to let you know dinner's ready." he tossed the pillow back and waited for Rin

The younger brother rolled his eyes, face still red. But he got off his bed and closed the door behind him, heading to the dinner table.

"You should send her a letter back, tell her you like her too" Sae said, walking behind him

"... I don't like her." Rin lied, trying to convince himself more than his brother

"Sure you don't, [Y/N] right? You've mentioned her a few times"

"Once. I mentioned her once." Rin glared at Sae

Sae just shrugged "Well, you mentioned her by name, so that's something. Cmon, let's eat."

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