If you watched their game (irl)

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Made a habit of scanning the crowd for you face before you even attended his first game. He was so shocked and excited when he saw you.

Couldn't stop smiling to himself, but had to pull himself together in front of his teammates

Looked up at you after every goal, or whenever he could, really

Ran up to you immediately after the game with a hug, you couldn't breathe. He still smelled like sweat too

Ignored any/all questions from his teammates (ex. "Rin who's that~?", "w rizz?", etc.)

Asked you if you were proud of him and if you were watching

"I looked cool right? You think I'm cool right? Definitely better than Sae."

You guys went out for food afterwards, but you had to remind him to shower first.


Doesn't usually look at the crowd so he didn't notice you at first

He managed to pinpoint your voice out of the crowd though, and that man SPUN around to see you (he literally tripped over himself because of the dizziness)

And see you he did, Shidou literally screamed "HII [Y/N] WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??"

The looks everyone gave him 😭

He missed his first 2 shots because he tried to look cool for you (the "This one's for you" kinda guy, only to miss-)

Once he started focusing he completely forgot about you ;v;

Tackled you into a hug after the game though, like, RIGHT after- he hopped though the stands


He doesn't really want you to watch his games for a few reasons (he thinks you'll distract him, and he's worried that his teammates are gonna hit on you.)

So he didn't notice you til his teammates pointed it out

"Yo Sae, look at that cute person over there, imma go ask for their number after the game"

He genuinely didn't care at first

"Sae she kinda looks like the person on your wallpaper"


His jaw drops and he just urgently mouths/signs to you, "what are you doing here??!?"

He refuses to acknowledge you during the game, but he glanced at you like 20 times already LOL

Calmly walked up to you AFTER he split up from the rest of the team

He'll just stare at you "What are you doing here?"

"I came to watch you :D"

"... Let me know next time, I'll get you better tickets."


Always imagined you watching him, was shocked when you actually did

He actually played pretty calmly, but his ego got buffed LOL

Niko took more goals for himself to look cool :>

His teammates got kinda mad at him, but he did NOT care XD

Kept looking at you to see your reaction to his plays

He was so proud of himself after the game, and was SO HAPPY to hear your praise


He was probably too focused on warming up until Ness pointed you out


Non-stop smiling

DEMANDED Ness to pass EVERY ball to him

Winked at you like every 2 minutes

Walked up to you afterwards, so very proud of himself. And he was expecting you to bury him in praise too

If you did praise Kaiser, his ego would get a MASSIVE boost. I'm not sure if it's physically possible to be as smug as him

If you didn't praise Kaiser, he'd just frown at you and wait til you did


He wasn't intentionally looking for you, but his eye spotted you IMMEDIATELY

He was so happy XD giggling, clapping, jumping, Ness was overjoyed

He played normally for the most part, but he did do better than normal

Looked at you with every move he made

Ran up to you after he showered and threw himself into your arms

Boy was a blushing mess when you complimented him

Treated you out to food afterwards, he wants you at EVERY GAME now


He was lowkey pretty shocked when he saw you (he was scanning the crowd for cute chicks to hit on after)

Bro was SMILINGGG, he couldn't help it LOL

Made bolder moves so that you'd watch him, kept looking at you after he scores

He'd do the same as Kaiser after the game: walk up to you and expect complements

Otoya would invite you to his next game too, fully expecting(hoping) you to show


When his teammates told he they saw you in the crowd, he thought they were kidding

He turned around anyway though-

Immediately smiled when he saw you

"This is exciting."

Bro was hogging the spotlight, his teammates were so fed up with it LOL

Once they won, he cleaned himself up and went to go find you

"You never told me you were coming" (he's not complaining though 🤭)

He'd treat you so well for the rest of the day, can't stop smiling


He was SO EXCITED bro could NOT stop smiling

It felt like he was performing so much better than usual, and may or may not have sacrificed Nagi's goals for his own XD

Every time he looked at you he looked so proud of himself, and hoped you thought the same

After the game, he speed-ran showing, Reo didn't even dry his hair before looking to find you

"Hey [Y/N], good to see you here" (he was smiling so much LOL)

Would bring you to dinner after :3  

It means a lot to me that I actually have readers, I would fight a child(or multiple if requested) for you guys❤️

Upload frequency is prob gonna drop to once every 2 days or so, but I'm not sure if I should write more scenarios or if you guys want some character catch ups, so please lemme know ;v;

Next chapter is either gonna be a new scenario, or a Charles (or Hiori) catch up!

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