Second Encounters

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A/N: Please read First Encounters before you read this, or nothing is gonna make sense ;v;


Rin was warming up for his game, it had been a few days since he last saw you

He didn't mean to look for you in the crowd, it just 'happened', at least that's what he's been telling himself

And he didn't actually get excited when he saw you he was just... getting in the mood to play! Yea, that's right... He definitely smiles on a normal basis, this isn't anything special...

He felt like he was playing better than usual, did your look of awe motivate that... no...?

Once the game wrapped up (they won, obviously) he poked through the crowd to find you. He wasn't too sure why, his body started moving before Rin could come up with a good excuse stop it

But you were the one to find him instead. Maybe it was because he was so tired from playing..

He just finished chugging his bottle too, and he was about to go get some more

"Hey Rin, great game! Oh here- would you like some water?" You offered a plastic bottle that you definitelydidn'tbringjustforRin just so happened to have on you

He looked at you like you were his savour before proceeding to down it in 2 seconds

He took a second to catch his breath before thanking you, "So, why are you here?"

You could only laugh "I've seen most your games, you've got a very entertaining playstyle"

"Oh... ok."

It was only now that you realized how this made you come off, "Going to every one of Rin Itoshi's games? It was just to watch, no feelings behind it, right...? Yea." You thought to yourself "I mean- it's not like I even know him. He wouldn't even want to be around m-"

"Do you wanna come to my game tomorrow?" Rin blurted, as he interrupted your thoughts "It's at a larger stadium, so you need to buy tickets..."

"Oh uhm... yea!" you gave a hesitant smile, never did you expect Rin to invite you somewhere, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity! You didn't mind spending a few bucks on tickets-

"Great. I actually already have a ticket for you... you'll be my +1, if that's alright with you..." he pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper with your information and barcode.

It was a VIP ticket

You were hesitant at first "Are you sure...? Aren't these really expensive?"

Rin just shrugged "Yea, I don't mind." he placed the tickets in your hands "Just show up okay?"

"Yeah! Of course." you were screaming inside "I'll see you there!"

And with that, the boy went on his way.

Shortly after he got a call from his mother

"Rin, have you given the ticket to your brother yet?"


It's only been a few days after you managed to get him out the house

He ended up staying the night for the first day, and you only got him out by giving him your number

He had been texting you constantly, telling you the most random things
"Omg look at this bird bro, I could lowkey swallow it whole"
"Will you watch the new csm movie with me?"

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