Sending Love Letters!! (2/2)

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A/N: Second and final part of Sending Love Letters to the bllk boys! ft. Ness, Otoya, Karasu, and Reo, hope you enjoy!

[btw i imagine kaiser and ness as good friends (like they were pre-bllk) ]

Ness sat with Kaiser and his family at the table, sorting through Kaiser's many love letters

"Wow Michael, this must be a new record" Kaiser's mother laughed "Who knew so many people had bad taste?"

Kaiser glared at his mother "Least we know I didn't get my pretty genetics from you."

Ness held in a laugh as he sifted through the pile of love letters. Kaiser's birthday was over the weekend, and today being Friday, all the fan-girls sent him mail.

"This one girl had sent me like 20..." Kaiser picked up a fat stack, all with the same name signed

"That's dedication..." Ness stared in awe at the stack.

But he eventually snapped out of it and continued looking through the pile

"Oh hey, this one's for you." Kaiser pulled out a slightly crumpled envelope (from him just shoving it into his bag) "At least it has your name on it... did you send it?" he was hesitant to believe that someone liked Ness

"No I don't think so..." Ness took the letter and inspected it carefully, it was in fact his name written on it. "Lemme read it real quick..." his small smile indicating that he was actually very excited to have a letter sent to him

Kaiser gave him a side-eye before going back to counting his own, silently jealous that someone liked Ness and not him

Ness, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. "AHHHHHHHHH WHAT IF [Y/N] SENT IT TO ME!! AHDOIFHABWIEUFBI"

He was smiling like crazy, he knew well that the handwriting, signature, and writing style was yours, he was all to familiar with it

For good measure, he pulled out a piece of your English homework and compared the two (how he got your homework? Don't ask)

It was definitely yours, he was sure. You did have 2 classes with kaiser that day (don't ask about that either), and you walked past them 6 times in the hallway.

At this point Ness was quietly squealing, he was so excited that you liked him back!

Kaiser silently laughed at this, not quite understanding why Ness was so happy, but also knowing full well that he may or may not be slightly(??) obsessed with you, so he didn't bother

Ness was then day-dreaming for the next several minutes, and would even blank out occasionally for the rest of the day

"For f#ck's sake Ness, just write back to her already..." Kaiser was getting annoyed at the stupid heart pupils in his eyes "I swear if you're gonna be like this on my birthday-"

"OK OK SORRY!!" Ness apologized before slipping the letter away "I'll do it later," He promised himself that he'd make it perfect, just for you :3


"No thank you, I'm alright." Otoya gently pushed the girl off his chest, the girl looked up at him with confusion

Hiori and Karasu's jaws dropped while Yukimiya just laughed, "See, told you. Pay up"

The two other boys grumbled as they pulled out a few coins "There's no way he actually did that, wasn't he making out with that girl just a few weeks ago?" Hiori questioned, it wasn't like Otoya to reject a girl, if anything, he was usually the one making the first move. Something must be going on.

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