Their reaction to a kiss on the cheek

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Rin is NOT used to physical affection

His eyes widen and he just STARES with the tiniest bit of blush

"I-... what was that for..."

He needs to process what just happened (bro is shocketh)

Once he does, he'll pull you in for a hug and ask for another one while burying his face in your chest


His jaw DROPS

Shidou squeals in excitement, blushing and everything

then he tackles you immediately after

Literally won't let you go till you give him another one. And another... and a few more... you get the point


Does that thing when the blink a lot trying to process

Looks at you, then down at himself, then back at you

Will grab you by your shoulders "I want you to bare my children" A/N: I'm just kidding lol

He looks so embarrassed, and just stares at you, trying to be mad "What was that for... do it again."

If you don't, he'll do it himself ;)


This man is a blushing stuttering MESS

He will bury his face in his hands/arms, but we all know he's smiling ;)

"I-Wha.. w-wait... why-huh??"

Will whisper ask for another :3

"Please...? Thank you-"


The initial shock lasts for around 2 seconds because he pulls you in by the chin grinning

"Wow Meine Liebe, didn't know you were so bold~"

Total ego boost

"Pussy. Go for the lips next time."

Then he'll do it himself

"Hm. did you use chapstick? Tastes good"


His entire face is so shocked/flustered


Silently screaming and mentally rolling on the floor

Completely forgets you're still there watching him

Stutters so much, can't get any words out

Will rant to Kaiser about it later

"Then guess what- they KISSED me >////<. They kissed ME- AESJBWJSJBSHAJ"


Otoya was not that surprised (I mean, what do you expect ;v;)

"Oh~? I bet I could do better-" wink wink

He'll unintentionally stay up thinking about it tho (I'm delusional guys)

"That wasn't anything special... I mean, i've kissed better girls... right?? AHHHH WHY WAS THAT MY BEST KISS AUGHHH" he threw his pillow across the room

Then proceed to sleep with the pillow imagining it was you, while telling himself he wasn't


Takes a few seconds to process

"... So, that's how that feels huh?... I like it"

Will try to play it off cool, but man's blushing

He can't stop thinking of you, even Otoya notices

"Hey bro, you alright? You've been spacing out a lot..."

"Yea I'm fine, Otoya...nothing special" Karasu would try to shug it off

"Hmm. Are you in love?" Otoya teased

"What-NO?" He tried to play it off, he couldn't...

The white haired boy would just laugh "Cmon, I've been there, being in love and all that... I get what you're going through! If you even need any rizz tips, hit me up"

Karasu scoffed "Please, like you know how to treat a girl well, I would never do anything like that to them..."



The biggest look of suprise on his face, takes him a few seconds to process

Takes out a handful of $100 bills and slams it into your chest while trying to cover up his face without saying anything

Will be so distracted the rest of the day, even Nagi notices

"Nagi, I'm being normal right? So normal. This is normal. EVERYTHING IS NORMAL."

"Reo, it's 11pm. They kissed you hours ago, you are not normal."

"If I asked them for another one, do you think they'll be okay with it??"

"Go to sleep, Reo."

A/N: eyyy second chapter of the day :D

I feel like my chapters have been getting a bit shorter, so I'll try to make them slightly longer next time, or more fleshed out (like my first few)

Anyway, I wanted to mention that I'll be on a hiatus for the next 1-2 weeks ;v; since I'll be busy with some other things. After that, I'll try to get chapters out semi-regularly, or at least consistently (maybe around once or twice every week? since im trying longer chapters)

Thank you for your support!!

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