First Date (3/3)

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A/N: Final part of First Date!! Ft. Otoya, Karasu, and Reo!! hope you like it <3

[Mall outing]

You stared at the time on your phone, it read 11:59pm. You two were supposed to meet up 29 minutes ago.

You sighed and shook your head, you couldn't say you were surprised, but still. You assumed Otoya had some human decency in him. So you told yourself you'd wait 30 minutes. If he still didn't show, then maybe you'd give Karasu a call and see if he was busy...

You looked back at your phone, 11:59 turning into 12:00.

You mentally facepalmed for ever thinking Otoya would actually show and got ready to leave.

Just then, you heard you name getting screamed across the mall from behind you

"[Y/N]!" Otoya collapsed on to your back, trying to catch his breath, "Sorry I'm-... A bit late-"

You gave him a judgmental look while pushing him lightly off you "A bit?? Where were you!? I waited for 30 minutes!!"

"Yea about that.." he laughed awkwardly while brushing himself off "I forgot..."

You glared at him, slightly pissed. "Why did I ever agree to this..." you rubbed your temples "Should've gone out with Karasu instead.." you mumbled the last part before composing yourself

"So- wanna grab some food? I'm kinda hungry..." he asked you while eyeing another women. What a great start to your first date.

You calmed yourself before agreeing, and the two of you made your way to the food court.

You were quite hungry as well, waiting for Otoya took much longer than you would've thought. So the two of you stood at the Churro stand while browsing the menu.

"Let me pay" Otoya offered with a smirk "As an apology for being late."

You gave him a skeptical nod, "... You brought your wallet- right?"

His face froze for a second, before he started digging through his pockets.

Your eye twitched as you placed your order (and Otoya's bc he always get the same thing) and pulled out your card to pay

But before you could tap, Otoya did instead, and the payment went through (surprisingly)

You gave him an amused smile as he gave a smug one (more to himself than you) seeming proud to have found his wallet

"Great job so far Eita." He thought to himself, "10/10 date, I'm sure she's in absolute amazement at my rizz."

He took the Churros from the worker with a wink and handed you yours. Otoya smiled before taking a bite of his, "So, where'd you like to go?"

"Hm... there's a new clothing shop nearby... how bout we check it out?"

Otoya nodded before following you closely, soon entering the store.

He helped you pick a few outfits out, and surprisingly, he knew exactly what you were comfortable in and what you looked good in. He even carried the bags for you after!

You two wandered around a bit more, stopping by whatever shops you felt like. He won a few claw machine games for you, and even hit on the cashier for a free donut(also for you-)!

As your date slowly came to an end, he made a short but proper apology for being late, and offered to walk you to the station.

Before you hopped on the train, you gave him a quick kiss and a wave, heading off

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