Bllk as your Roomate

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It feels like he's never home. But he is. You two always somehow eat dinner at the same time, so you eat together. He doesn't mind :> You ask about his day (he's not used to people caring, Rin's secretly happy) and he'll tell you about all the stupid things Bachira did that day LOL

He'll even invite you to watch horror movies with him (he tells himself it's because he can't finish his popcorn)

If you have extra tickets to a festival/event, he'll gladly come along! (he insists it's because it'd be a waste of tickets if he didn't)

A/N: Imagine if he runs into bachira and isagi there LOL


Y'all know about his morning routine- right??
(His morning routine consists of: going onto the balcony naked and soaking up the sunlight, dancing however he likes, yell whatever comes to his mind ("stuff like capillaries and flesh rupture!!").

No need for an alarm, this rat is never late to bother you in the morning

Will barge into your room without asking, and rant to you about his day
"Omg [Y/N], you'll never guess what happened today-"

He's a great listener though, and he'll offer to do your makeup! (He will be sad if you say no :c)

Great or terrible relationship advice, changes every second
"I'm sure he likes you, he just don't know how to tell you!"
"Yea but I saw him with two other girls..."
"... We should glitterbomb his house"

He can and will comment on your outfits, or plan them out for you

Will draw you for his art assignments (i love artist Shidou)

Brings you leftovers from when he goes out (unless he dragged u along LOL)


This man wakes up early. Too early.

He'd wake you up too (accidently) like either turning the lights on or dropping a plate because he forgot he lives with you-

Used to order take out like everyday. Until you came along and actually cooked good meals.

The first time he just eyed your food with a blank expression. You had no idea what he wanted XD

you awkwardly offered him some, he couldn't resist and tried some

He then said he'd pay you to cook for him, so ig he likes it LOL

When he goes out and sees smt you might like, he'll send you a picture and ask for your thoughts. If you take too long he'll just buy it

Will tell you about his day (after he naps)


Will often just knock and peak into your room to see what you're doing for no particular reason other than wanting to check up

Runs to you after reading a new chapter of his manga

"nOOOOO THEY KILLED HIM😭" sorta vibes yk? If you're reading the same thing, you'd have to stop him from giving your spoilers, to which he'd wait patiently for you to finish so he can rant to you

Shares theories on animes/mangas together

Can't cook, but he'll buy the materials if you need them :3

Please get this boy any plushie, I think he'd love it sm

Man has his earbuds in 24/7 tho ;v;

He'd come into your room to steal manga


Keeps calling you Ness outta instinct

This lead to you not cooking for him anymore (you're not too sure when you agreed to cook for him in the first place, but he just ate your food-)

Will complain about said food, but then apologize and beg you to keep cooking once he realized you're serious about stopping

Asks for your opinion on a lot of things "This outfit looks good right?" "Who do you think is the best striker?" "You like milk?!?!" etc. though you're not sure if he actually cares about your answer, or if he's even listening...

Kaiser would pace, rant, and talk to himself on a (concerningly) normal basis

This man would silently fold anytime you give him a genuine compliment though, then he just turns cocky...

He finds your affirmations very comforting, that's why he asks you to compliment him so often LOL

He'd often give you bread. Just- bread. He'll come home with a bagged baguette in his hands, and give it to you with a proud smile like he fought a child for it


This man does everything

Ness calls you Kaiser on instinct too

Will get on his knees and apologize when he does so

Genuinely shocked when you shrug it(the kaiser calling) off

Non-stop talking about Kaiser turns into non-stop talking about you XD

"Omg you look so pretty today :D" "Let me dry your hair for you :3" "Can I braid it?" etc.

Has no clue what to do when you ask him about his day because no one has ever asked him before

But he'll start ranting about it, and look over at you every few seconds to see if you're listening and if you're ok with him going on :>

Insists on doing all the house chores (except for cooking, he likes your cooking, but'll still do it if asked)


...Does anyone actually want this man as a roomie??(Me.)

Would leave a mess EVERYWHERE and is genuinely shocked when you don't offer to clean up

The way he acts has you questioning his upbringing...

Eats all your food, brings people over constantly, probably broke a plate and didn't bother cleaning it up

The only thing he offers in return is to make out-

His jaw drops when/if you decline


Watches TV in the living room typa guy (ik that's what ur supposed to do, but let's be honest, y'all are prob cooped up in your room reading this)

Whenever you leave your room and enter his line of vision, he just stares

It's genuinely unsettling. So like a normal person, you stare back. You've now been staring at each other for 2 minutes

Any/all gifts Karasu gives are things he observed from you (ex.Favourite food, scent, show, etc.) and I'm sure you'll do the same in return

Will message you random pics he finds funny

"[Pic of a party hat on a trash can] haha, look it's you"

If you cook for him, he'll order takeout for you next time


He's either the best roomie, or the worst-

You guys never run out of food or supplies, and always have something fun to do

He'll take you out on the weekend to do fun stuff, and you two get along pretty well!

As long as you don't question why he has so many toothbrushes, he's pretty chill :> 

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