How they'd ask you to be their Valentines

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A/N: my fellow writer also did an oneshot on this, go check it out!

I like to remind myself every so often that this guy is 16

I'm not sure if he'd ask you out directly 😭 if he did, he'd be an absolute mess. He's never felt so nervous

I think he'd leave a note and maybe a box of chocolates in your locker or bag that's just a simple:
"I really like you. Be my Valentines? -Rin"

He probably has like 6 failed copies tho LOL

He'd watch you from afar as you opened/read it tho, just to make sure you'd say yes

Had to cover his face as he sunk to the floor in joy


I have two thoughts on this

He'd either kabedon you and ask you out
"Hey girly~ be my Valentines?" (he's shaking inside)

OR he'd be uncharacteristically nervous 🤭 (I love shy shidou~)
Rolling around on his bed, his finger hovering over the send button of "be my Valentines?"

Once he clicked it, he threw his phone across the room and had to take a moment to compose himself

Then proceeded to throw himself at the phone once he heard a notif

Squealed in joy

(ik this is a bit outta character, im workin on it ;v;)


This man knows what he's doing ;)

Knocked on your door with a flower bouquet and a plushie

"Will you be my Valentines...?"

Bro was terrified inside, this is very different from soccer

The relief this man felt inside the second you hugged him, he literally melted into you


Niko would go w/smt super simple

Prob just a small note and a cute keychain or plush that he'd leave in your locker

He'd also hide nearby as he watches you open it XD

Would hide his face in his hands out of happiness


Smug AF

He'd get you blue roses and get straight to the point

"Hey Liebling, you get to be my Valentines this year~" bro is so cocky


Absolutely PANICKING

Kaiser probably got annoyed and ruined it by telling you early LOL

"Hey. Ness wants to be your Valentine."


He genuinely looked like he was about to pass out

"S-So uh... Would that be alright with you?" poor boy looked like he was about to cry 🥲

Literally fell to his knees the second you agreed, basically worshiping you ;v;


Bro almost forgot 😭he was too busy receiving gifts from his sidechicks

You or Karasu had to remind him ;v;

He just took one of the gifts he got and ripped the tag of "Be my Valentines?"

He'd genuinely be shocked if you said no


He asked Otoya how he usually does it first (because in theory, he should have experience... right??)

Then he realized it was a terrible idea and winged it (haha get it? Cuz he's a crow...?? Sorry ;v;)

Got you your favourite dessert because he felt flowers were too lame

"Will you be my Valentine?"

He'd try to contain his smile once you agreed, but you could tell he was happy


He'd DEFINITELY overthink it, he'd ask Nagi outta desperation LOL

He ended up asking google and followed that

He probably asked you to meet him somewhere (or brought you over himself)

Turns out he rented(bought??) a room/building for this purpose

He had set up the place like a CASTLE, gold was EVERYWHERE. Stacks of flowers neatly arranged, expensive candles, fancy chandeliers, you get the point.

Reo also wrote out a script (it was like 2 pages long, Nagi fell asleep while Reo was practicing)

But when it came to actually asking you out, he panicked, forgot everything he wrote, and improvised LMAOO

"I-It.. would mean the extent... of the universe to me- if you uh- uh-... JUST PLEASE BE MY VALENTINE 😭"

A/N: Ahhh sorry this is a bit rushed, I wanted to get it out in time ;v;

And yk the writer friend that was mentioned? YOU SHOULD 100% CHECK OUT THEIR ACC: OR  @sl-vega on Tumblr!! 
They make really good stories :3 They're also making their own original fantasy series ✧STARWARD✧ !! Be sure to show them lots of support!

Next chapt will be second encounters, and many more to come! TYSM FOR READINGG <33

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