Chapter 5 - The Story

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1st Person POV (Cub)

(A/N Sorry for not posting, been in a huge writing block and gone through some bad shit irl. I suddenly got motivation from a person commenting on stuff and I realised how quickly this book is moving. I'm not particularly liking how quick it is moving so from now on it shall be slowing down quite dramatically I'd think. Sorry for not posting but I'm getting to work on it :D)

I was sitting at the table, confused. Scar still hasn't messaged me and that was unusual of him. 

Panic crossed my face as I stood up. Maybe my Vexling powers would help. Doubt it so maybe I'll just contact Mumbo, see if he has any clue to were Scar could be.

*buzz buzz*

- Yes Cub? -

A tired groaning voice could be heard from the other end of the line.

- Hey Mumbo, sorry to bother you this late but by any chance have you seen Scar? It's just I haven't seen him and I'm getting worried -

I sighed deeply, looking down at my communicator. I didn't know if Mumbo would reply, it was very late at night after all. I didn't want to keep him around for too long but then again this was my brother and he was missing. Not to mention Grian getting kidnapped but my brother is more important to m-

- Nevermind sorry,  I have an idea -

A thought had popped into my head, a great one. I knew how to find Scar, I most likely knew where he was as well.

Just before I could hang up the call Mumbo grumbled through the phone.

- Cub, I'm coming over. Stay put -


And the call stopped. He was coming to help! That was great news to my ears. Now time to wait..

20 minutes later

Knock Knock

A famous rapt of the door and I knew he was here. Rushing over I swung the door open. I had waited 20 minutes and here he was, the moustached man himself. Quickly stepping aside so he could walk in, I stared at him. He looked so weirdly formal. Yes he always looked formal but now he looked more weird. 

- Cub, are you.. alright? You seem to be staring at me -

My eyes widened as the tips of my ears went a slight shade of red.

- Sorry, you just look a little different than usual and I just can't seem to figure it out -

Mumbo rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself as he shook his head.

- I didn't bother covering anything about me being a listener up, it's late and I can't be bothered to do so -

I looked at him in shock. I didn't know he was a Listener. 

As I was thinking that Mumbo's eyes joined mine in growing, he looked scared, frightened even by what he had just said.

- Please forget I said a thing Cub. We better get mov- -

I cut him off then and there.

- You're a Listener! And never told us! Xisuma will be so annoyed at you for keeping such a great deal of a thing away from him an- and Iskall!! You know he hates those kinds of people, he will hate you so much, you kept such a huge thing away from your best friend for so long. Mumbo what were you thinking? -

Mumbo turned feeling awkward. Not even like he was being called out which made things feel a lot worse. He had kept such a big thing away from everyone and not even bothering to feel ashamed of himself. How disappointing..

- Cub, Xisuma already knows, it's a long story but I have already told you and Iskall. It's a long story though -

I looked at him straight in the eyes with confusion. He had already told me? I'm sure I would've remembered such a significant thing like that, I'm sure..

- If you did then why do I not remember? I'm sure I would remember something like that -

Mumbo had looked down, like he was defeated. 

- Let's sit, if you truly want to here the story -

I nodded as we walked to the living room to sit down. He had sat on the chair opposite me, staring into my soul.

- Cub, you know how we are on Season 7 of Hermitcraft? -

I nodded, I had no recollection of the majority of every season I was in beforehand but I knew we were in Season 7.

- Well, last Season or Season 6. We had set on a task which seemed impossible. Grian was with us and he sacrificed himself to save your brother. He was going to be locked with the rest of the Watchers, the place he forbade himself to return to. But he did, for your brother. He cared so much he decided to go back just for Scar, in the whole process of trying to get him back I had revealed I was a Listener, just to be able to open a portal to try get Grian back. You were there, Scar, Grian, Iskall and Xisuma were there too. For some reason I cannot explain why you forgot everything but Me, Xisuma and Grian all remember. I'm sorry -

I stared up at him in shock, more shock than usual. I had missed out on so much that my mind had just forgotten. It all seemed to be traumatising but fun.. if you get what I mean. It seemed like I would be having so much fun with all of them and now all those memories are gone..

A gentle hand seems to be patting my left shoulder.

- Cub it's okay, don't worry -

It wasn't okay, I had forgotten so much, I was never told how much I had forgotten up until now. And it had distracted me so much from trying to find Scar.. and Grian I guess. 

- Mumbo, let's go find my brother and Grian. He most likely will be where Grian is if he has been gone for this long. And by what you just told me, it is highly likely now -

I stood up and stormed out the room, bashing doors open as I walked to the front door, ready to face the cloaked figure and to find Scar again.. and Grian..

- Wait Cub, just before we head off, I should probably let you know that this guy will be powerful if he has managed to get Grian. Grian is a Watcher afterall -

I turned and my jaw dropped. I don't think I picked up the part when Grian was a Watcher part of his story there. 

- Talk later, let's get moving -

I had managed to pick my jaw up off the ground and shut the door behind us, ready to venture onwards to find the 2 hermits.


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