Chapter 2 - Oh, Uh

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1st Person POV (Grian)

It was the next day and I was sitting in a tree, watching Scar build from a distance. He looked so happy, picking animals up and feeding the birds. He seemed to never harm them, not even for food. Today I kept feeling like someone was watching me, must be my sister! is what I'd always say, but today it felt more unusual than usual. I must just be imagining things, could be because it's a new season.

- Where's Mumbo? -

I said out loud, I didn't realise I said it out loud until some parrots in the tree squawked and flew off.

- Oops -

I quietly muttered, this same act seemed to catch the Vexling's eye, I didn't know what to do so I panicked and fell off the tree, not catching myself in time. I let out a troubled squawk by accident when hitting the floor, it hurt really badly, my wings had only just healed and now they looked off.

- for goodness sake Gri -

I heard someone quietly mutter nearby, I didn't recognise the voice, I couldn't see anyone as well. I must just be imagining things, right?

I tried getting up, failing from the pain in my wing. I was like a turtle stranded upside down on a beach, however I did hear footsteps rushing towards me. Looking up i could see a familiar Vexling's face hover over me

- are you ok? Need help up? Do you need to go to Stress? Do y- -

He saw how bent my wing was and stopped mid sentence.

- Stress it is -

He carefully but swiftly carried me, bridal style, over to Stress' area which was luckily right next to mine. He rushed in, still holding me gently and softly. I missed this, I missed how soft his hands were, how careful he was, how sweet and nice he was, I missed him, I still do..

- Oh gosh, what happened to you Hun -

Stress asked, rushing over to inspect my wing, quickly she dragged Scar over to a nearby room so he could place me down on a bed.

- Hun, how did this happen? -

She quietly asked, concerned on what would've caused this. I looked down embarrassed to say anything but i had to.

- I fell out of a tree.. -

I whispered, she looked at how i was looking away from Scar while saying it and nodded.

- Scar, dear, can you please leave the room as i look at his wing? -

He nodded swiftly leaving. She turned to face me.

- Next time, be careful when admiring from afar -

I went straight to beetroot, looking away from her. I covered my face, shouting from the sudden pain in my wing. Stress rushed to my side, gently touching my wing making me squawk loudly.

- Your wings look like they've been damaged before this, they look quite new -

She turned to face me with a concerned look on her face. My eyes opened wide as the memories came flooding back.

- Martyn if you would like to do the honours. -

- This is wrong!! -

Everyone in the room covered their ears from the scream just as Pearl burst through the doors, eyes blood thirsty. She saw her brother screaming on the floor, his wings covered in blood just behind him on the floor.

- Are you okay Grian? -

Stress asked even more concerned, pulling me out of my trance

- M Nothing -

She shook her head, sighing in disappointment. She went and grabbed a bandage with some sticks, carefully lining my wing up and wrapping it up.

- That should do you for the meantime -

I nodded, she walked out the room, talking to someone. Next thing you know Scar walks in sitting on the bed, next to me.

- Hey, how's your wing? -

He asked, calmly and somehow comfortably.

- It's well.. Broken, obviously, it was bent weirdly. Now i have to be more careful when sitting in trees -

An awkward laugh was shared between the 2 men. I leaned into the man, wrapping my only good wing around him, Scar hugged me back.

- I remember you, I think, I remember hugging someone in a field, watching shooting stars with someone, was that.. You? -

I opened my mouth ready to speak when a bang was heard as the door flew open. We both turned to see a man with a white cloak rush in, Stress chasing the man. He grabbed me, yanking me out the window, crashing into a bush. Still he continued to run, dragging me with him, screaming, I didn't know what else to do now.

1st Person POV (Scar)

I watched him as the cloaked man dragged him out the window.

- GRIAN! -

I yelled as the cloaked figure dragged him out the window jumping out.

- Oh my god, Grian! -

Stress yelled as she saw the cloak figure sprint off with him. I collapsed onto the bed, not knowing what to do with Grian getting kidnapped after I asked him an important question. Stress sat on the other side of the bed, opening uo her communicator sending a public message


<Stress> Grian (The parrot hybrid) Has been kidnapped by a cloaked figure. Watch out

<Xisuma> Already? Wow, everyone look out for this guy, we need to stop it before Grian gets into some trouble, which is very likely.

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- Thanks, Stress -

I quietly muttered.

- I'm sure you'd do the same for me if someone I liked was kidnapped -

She looked at the doorway where Iskall had appeared, panting like he had ran all the way over here.

- I ran all the way over here, who took Grian? -

He muttered quickly.

- A guy in a white cloak, that's all we know -

Stress started to go red as she looked at Iskall, her eye's roaming around his body. Soon landing on his abs that you could see through the shirt from the sweat.

- My eyes are up here, Stress -

Iskall said, a smug look plastered on his face. I sat there, not liking what i was in the middle of. I stood up.

- I'm going to find Grian, I'll leave you two be -

I casually walked out the room, my brain going everywhere else but the casual zone.

[1041 Words!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, ba bye!]

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