Chapter 28 - Underground

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Souta, Jack, and the rest arrived in the village chief's house. The house was quite wide so it could hold all of them including Yuko.

The group listened to the story of the village chief. The story about the mysterious possession or what they called disease spreading in this village.

"Based on what you said it started two months ago... and from my analysis, it will take another month before all of you become like those people," Jack said to the village chief.

"I also thought about that but what can we do about it... There is no point as we could only wait for the people of Hebrei Kingdom to arrive." The village chief said with a sad expression.

"I don't think I've heard this kind of disease at all nor I've seen something like this." Jack shook his head. He wouldn't be able to help if he knew nothing about it. He was an adventurer expert in fighting, not a doctor.

"It's hard to dispatch a knight. The kingdom only uses them in war or other big situations. If this situation got worse to the point that it could harm the kingdom, only then they would dispatch a force to eliminate the threat. First of all, this village wasn't a part of Hebrei Kingdom. That's the reason why they wouldn't send a force to help." The dwarf said. As a merchant, he knew a thing or two about the affairs of the kingdom.

"Boy, tell them what you know!" Souta said as he patted the little boy's back.

His words gathered everyone's attention. All of them turned their heads and looked at Souta.

"What do you mean?"

"Did this boy know something?"

Souta shook his head and said, "It's better if you hear it directly from him. Come on boy tell them what you told me before."

The boy lifted up his head and looked at Souta. Souta nodded when he saw the look of the boy. The boy didn't hesitate anymore and he began to tell them what he told Souta before.

"There's something like that?!"

"A demon? A monster from legend!"

"I've heard that there's no demon right now. The ancient civilization destroyed them all."

Various exclamation sounded after they heard the boy's story.

Even Souta, the owner of the [Vajra Sword Saya], doesn't know the origin of the sword. He only knew that it was a piece of Dark grade equipment.

Suddenly, the village chief bowed before them and said, "Please help us solve this case. I'll give you anything that you want."

The village chief begged them to find the boy's sister. After listening to the story of the boy, he was now sure that the sister of the boy and the demon the boy saw that day was the culprit in this incident.

The culprit why all these people were going insane was because of the demon.

"We don't know the strength of the demon so it's better to check it first before we promise you," Jack said and the rest of the adventurers nodded.

They wouldn't accept a quest that easily. They couldn't determine the difficulty of this quest so they couldn't accept it easily. There's a reason why the Adventurers Guild divided the quest into different ranks.

The village chief looked at Souta with hopeful eyes. Souta was still the one who hasn't decline him.

But Souta wasn't looking at him. He was looking at the prompt that received.

[Quest Triggered!]

[Elimination]: Find and eliminate the cause of this incident. Rewards: 15,000 exp, 5 free attribute points, 2 skill point

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