Chapter 146 - Returning

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Lumilia and Lynn have a worried expression on their face as they waited were waiting for Souta outside the Gripin city.

"Don't worry about Souta, he's strong," Bryan assured them that Souta will come back.

Lumilia and Lynn knew that Souta was strong and if not for him they were now in Gregory's hands, but they still couldn't help but be worried about him. Especially after they felt the powerful aftershocks of the battle.

"Yeah, Bryan is right. Souta is strong and you already saw it, right? You would only get in his way if you go there." Alice glanced at them and said. She agreed in Bryan's words.

Lumilia, Lynn, Bryan, Nayo, and George could now move their bodies. While waiting for Souta and the other two, the student that knew healing magic healed them.

The only problem was that Cluster was still unconscious. No matter what healing magic casted on her she wouldn't wake up.

Nayo stared at Lumilia and felt that her friend somehow change but she couldn't tell what change.

She slowly opened her mouth and asked, "Mila, what happened to you and Souta here in this city?"

Naoy question gathered everyone's attention, especially Lynn. All of them perk up their ears waiting for her answer.

"I-" Lumilia was about to answer Naoy's question when a huge bear walked out of the city gate.

All of them looked over to looked at the huge red bear. They saw a person lying on the back of the bear. They were wondering why a bear came out of the city gate.

"Yuko!!" Lumilia and Bryan exclaimed at the same time. They knew the name of this red fur bear without a doubt. And this bear was Souta's beast companion.

George, Nayo, and the other looked at the two who know the bear.

"Mila, you know that bear?" Nayo asked as she pointed her finger at the bear that was slowly walking towards them. "Oi! Is that bear coming in our direction?"

"Eh...! That's Souta!!" Lynn said with a surprised expression as she recognized the person lying on the back of the bear.

Souta who was on Yuko's back looked up at his classmates. He smiled and said, "I finally made it. I'm out... I leave everything to you, Yuko..." He then closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

"Souta!" Lynn shouted as she ran towards him with a concerned look on her face.

"Grr!!" Yuko growled at Lynn with an angry expression stopping Lynn in her tracks. She looks like she was going to attack Lynn if she took a step forward.

"Stop!" Bryan stepped forward as he grabbed Lynn's wrist. He looked at Lynn and shook his head.

Lynn looked at Bryan with a confused expression.

"She is Yuko, Souta's beast companion," Lumilia explained as she slowly walked towards Yuko.

"She must be wary about you, Lynn, since this is her first time seeing you," Lumilia said to Lynn as she stretched out her hand and patted Yuko's head.

"Of course, she would be wary to anyone she didn't know since her master is injured. She just wanted to protect her master from strangers, that's all." Alice said from the side.

Lynn glanced at Alice and then she looked at Lumilia. "Mila, you mean this is not the first time that she saw you?" She asked.

"Of course, Yuko already know class rep two months ago," Bryan was the one who answered Lynn's question.

Lynn, Nayo, and the other looked at Bryan as if they were asking him to continue.

Bryan looked at them and he was wondering why they were looking at him. He opened his mouth and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

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