Chapter 90 - Fierce Battle: The Top 10 Ranker of the First Year

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Souta was standing in the middle of the campsite of the Mage Class 1-E while holding their red flag.

He looked in the sky and wondered how the other classes were doing. He already collected four red flags in total. He doesn't need to worry about his class red flag. As long as he kept gathering red flags at this pace his class will score the highest in this special test.

Turning his head, he saw Lynn was holding the four red flags in her hands.

Lynn approached him and said, "This is our fifth red flag."

"Yeah, let's increase our pace in gathering the red flag of the other classes." Souta nodded and said. He stretched out his hand towards her.

Lynn grabbed the red flag that he was holding. She took it from him as Souta gave her the task to hold the red flags that they collected while he was fighting.

"You're incredible, Souta!" Lynn said while looking at all the red flags in her hands.

"Hmm...?" Souta turned his head and looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"I couldn't do this alone. You're strong and powerful. You can do a lot of things that I couldn't do." Lynn said as she lowered her head.

"Hmm... There's a lot of things that I couldn't do. If I could do anything then I wouldn't bother myself to enroll in this institute." Souta paused for a moment. Then, he added, "Also, you're helping me hold that flags. I couldn't fight them if I have to hold that flags."

"Really?" Lynn looked at him with bright eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, so don't think about anything else," Souta said.

"Okay, I will follow you." Lynn nodded at him.

"Let's go now," Souta said as he looked in the sky.

"Okay," Lynn said as she stood beside him.

Souta wrapped his right arm around her waist before he jumped in the air and used [Air Walk].

'This will be great if he's carrying me in a princess carry.' Lynn thought as she lifted up her head and looked at Souta's face.

Souta looked at her as he felt her gaze on him. He opened his mouth and asked, "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing," Lynn said as she shook her head. She then smiled happily and thought that this was not bad at all.


Bryan, George, Joshua, and Clyde were together in one group. Clyde was the one who's commanding the group even though Bryan was stronger than him.

Everyone knew what's Bryan's personality. He was reckless and always got in trouble. He's not suited to command a team with his personality.

Bryan also knew that he wasn't suited to become a leader. He also found it boring to command other people. That's why Clyde took charge of the group. He was stronger than George and Joshua. Also, he wasn't a reckless person like Bryan. So he's quite suitable for it.

Currently, they already have two flags of the Lance Class 1-E and Healer Class 1-D. Bryan was strong among the first year as he was the top 12 ranker. He could handle a group of people who ranked below 100.

"We've already got two flags," George said with a smile. He was a man with white hair and rabbit ears. He's one of the beast folk. He was an expert in using earth magic and crowd control spell.

"Yeah." Joshua nodded at him. He was a man with dark skin tone and long pointed ears. He was a wood elf that lives in the northern part of the continent. He's an expert in using wind magic and buff spell.

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