Chapter 97 - Fierce Battle: 5 minutes

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Souta was lying on the ground while looking at the [Vajra Sword Saya] on his hand. He opened his mouth and said, "Oi! Red lady, are you there?"

After a few moments, he hasn't heard anything at all. There's no reply and it seems that this sword wasn't going to bother him for a while.

He then tried to call her once again but to no avail, she hasn't responded at all to his call. He wanted to know what her stance. If she was his enemy or ally. In truth, he doesn't want her to become his enemy as the sword was useful to him. It gave him a large boost to his stats and the equipment skill really help him in his expedition on the Desolate Forest.

He wouldn't be able to defeat the knight leaders if not for the equipment skill of the sword and the added stats. No matter how much he predicted his opponent's movement if his stats were too low compared to his opponent then he wouldn't be able to react fast enough. Before he could react he would receive a blow from his opponent.

That's what will happen if the gap in stats was too large.


He then averted his attention and heard a lot of people in his surrounding.

"Something is happening around me. Hmm... That's favorable for me as well as I don't need to go to their class to collect their red flags." Souta muttered and he slowly stood up. He patted the dirt and dust on his clothes.

He then felt the ground shake. It only means that the battle already started and he could only hope that they didn't discover Lynn.


The gust of wind blew the thick smoke that was covering this area. It revealed him to the rest of the people in this place. But most of them didn't have time to look at him as they were busy fighting each other.

"Hmm... What are you doing? Since you all are ignoring me, then let me collect your red flags..." Souta muttered and he placed his hand on his chin. He swept his eyes over the people that were present here. He counted the people that were holding the flags since they were his target.

Gyron, Mark, and Sena glanced at him wondering what he would do in this situation. But they have no time to watch him as their opponent attacked them.

Gyron jumped away to create a distance from his foe. He was fighting the top 2 ranker Irlin and some of the students from other classes. He got his hands full of these people just Irlin alone was giving him a hard time and now other people joined the battle to take him down.

Some of the other students decided together that taking him down would be important if they wanted to collect the red flags, so they decided to work together. But some of the students didn't want that as they knew that they were next once they managed to take down the top 1 ranker. That's why Gyron was fighting a lot of people at the same time.

Irlin who was launching spell at Gyron didn't even notice Souta. He was too busy trying to take down the top 1 ranker who defeated him. Even with the help of other people, he still couldn't catch Gyron at all.

"Tsk! This trash!" Irlin clicked his tongue while looking at the people who were attacking Gyron.

Ailene was the one who noticed Souta, not Grunge. Grunge was enjoying himself while fighting other students at the same time. She tapped her staff on the ground and created a barrier around herself.

She then waved her staff and the floor around her quickly turned into ice. And once again she casted another barrier around her.

"This is enough..." Ailene muttered before she turned her head and looked at Souta. She saw Souta eyes were looking at every people here in this place. She wondered what he was planning to do.

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