Chapter 118 - Who the hell have the guts to disturb my Yuko?

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Currently, Souta was in the room that Jusmin prepared. Lumilia asked Jusmin to prepare a room for everyone here. They were inside one of the houses beside the mansion.

Brianna gave a task to Tidor and John to guard Lumilia's room. They changed places every three hours so that the other people could rest.

While staring outside through the window, Souta heard a knock on the door of his room. He turned his head and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Tidor. Souta, it's time." Tidor said behind the door.

Souta immediately understood it when Tidor said those words. It means that Tidor and Jane's shift has finished and now it's Souta's time to be on guard duty. He will guard Lumilia's room and protect it from any possible intruder.

"Okay, just wait for a minute," Souta replied to Tidor before he pushed himself out of the bed. He fixed his clothes and he picked up the Vajra sword. He hung it on his waist before he opened the door.

He saw Tidor waiting for him outside the room. Yuko was sitting beside the door as her huge body couldn't fit inside the room, so she just stayed here outside the room. Souta felt pity when he saw her sleeping on the cold floor.

"So, how is it?" Souta asked Tidor as he patted Yuko's head to wake her up.

"Nothing strange. But it's too weird this way." Tidor replied to him with uncertainty. He doesn't have any idea what's going to happen in this place.

Souta looked around first before he said, "Yeah, we don't even know what's going to come here. Well, let's not worry about it. Let's just do our job."

"You're right, we will just smash everything that is in our way." Tidor nodded at him.

"I'll go now," Souta said to him.

"Okay, be careful." Tidor nodded his head.

Souta walked away and Yuko followed from behind. They were heading towards Lumilia's room. On their way, Souta spotted a lot of knights patrolling around the area.

'The security was tight and the knights have decent power level so what are they worried about.' Souta thought while looking at the knights. He could sense that these knights were stronger than the knights he fought in the Desolate Woods. Even he would be able to take them out on his own.

Is it because of the assassin? Did they manage to know who's behind that assassination? But even if they knew that that doesn't answer all the questions.

Souta has tons of questions that he wanted to know the answer for him to do better in this quest. Suddenly, an idea came into his mind.

'Maybe, it's about the other nobles. After all, Brianna said that a lot of people will visit the Asvares Family this week.' Souta thought as he rubbed his chin. If the other nobles were really involved in this, then this made this situation more complicated.

Since this was getting more complicated the more he thought about it, Souta shook his head and decided to remove those thoughts in his head. If those noble were going to come and prevent him from completing his quest, all he had to do was beat the shit out of them.

Thinking about this, Souta's mouth curved into a smile.

"Politics? I'll crush it with brute strength."


After a few seconds, Souta and Yuko arrived in front of Lumilia's room. Souta stood in front of the door and he slowly raised his hand before he knocked on the door.

"Class rep, it's my shift this time. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here." Souta said before he stood on the side.

Souta and Yuko were on duty at this time. The Gale Group treated Yuko as another person that's why Souta and Yuko were alone here. A two-man group of monsters.

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