Chapter 93 - Fierce Battle: Bryan vs Johnson

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bryan and Johnson were trading blows. In just a few seconds, they exchanged dozens of punches.

"[Blazing Strike]!"

Bryan shouted as his fist was covered in flames. He threw it towards Johnson's face.


"[Blazing Strike]!"

Johnson smiled and he threw his fist that was covered in flames. He used the same combat arts that Bryan used.

Both of their punch, the same combat arts, collided against each other. It caused an explosion to appear and flames swept out in the small area around them.


"Bryan!!" Joshua shouted when he saw this. He wanted to come forward but his opponent didn't let him.

"Joshua, focus on your opponent! Don't let anything distract you!" Clyde said to Joshua.

"I understand." Joshua nodded with a grim expression.

Joshua, Clyde, and George were fighting Johnson's comrades. Their opponents weren't an easy one and they were placed into a standstill. It was because their battle wasn't going to decide the outcome of this match. They knew that it's Bryan and Johnson's battle. The one who won in this battle will get the flag of the other team.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

Two figures shot out of the smoke in the two opposite directions. They were Bryan and Johnson.

"For a Mage, you are too good in close combat," Johnson said to Bryan with a smile. He was a powerful fighter from Brawler Class 1-B.

He once fought Bryan before in the ranking battle and he defeated Bryan at that time. So he knew that Bryan's strength improved by a large margin since their battle.

If it's the Bryan before then he wouldn't be able to fight him like this. Bryan couldn't handle his power before, but now it seems that he could.

"Your improvement. Your growth. It's too fast." Johnson said as he clenched his fist tightly. He finally understood that Bryan has a chance to defeat him with his current strength.

"I've trained every day until I pass out from exhaustion, after all," Bryan said with a grin on his face.

"Then, let's see who's stronger. You or me!!" Johnson said as he dashed towards Bryan.

"That's what I wanted!" Bryan casted his [Lighting Boots] and [Lightning Edge] spell.

"[Rock Body]!" Johnson activated his combat arts that could increase the toughness of his body. He then arrived in front of Bryan. Flames emerged and coated his fist. He threw it towards Bryan.

"[Blazing Strike]!"

Bryan grinned widely at this. He casted a spell called [Scorching Hand]. He then met Johnson's attack with his own.


Bryan managed to grab and stop Johnson's fist. He quickly lifted up his feet and kicked Johnson's side.

"Hmph!" Johnson used his free hand to blocked the kick.


He then stepped forward and grabbed Bryan's collar. He lifted him and smashed him on the ground.


The ground cracked like a spider web. Johnson was about to follow it up when lightning hit his body.


"Argh!!" Johnson flew away and crashed in the trees.

Bryan quickly stood up and raised his hand above his head.

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