Chapter 156 - You're afraid

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'Evil? You can say it like that but I'm clearly not a good guy after all I've done just to get stronger.' Souta said to Saya in his mind.

Just to get stronger, Souta killed and used people for his own benefits. He even devoured their souls to get stronger. He placed his hand inside his pocket and grabbed the circular pendant.

Souta glanced at the mother and child before he went back to Bryan, Lynn, and Cluster.

While walking, Souta opened the pendant and stared at the picture in it. A man, a mature woman, and a little girl were smiling in the picture.

The little girl in the picture has black hair that was tied in twintails. She had pitched black eyes but the center part of it was color brown.

He still had a quest that he hasn't finish. In this quest, he needed to find the little girl in the picture and gave her this pendant. He also had to tell her her father's last words.

What about the father of the girl? Souta already killed him back in the Desolate Woods. The father was one of the people who were chasing after Cluster.

'Are you really planning to find the little girl in the picture?' Saya asked him.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong about it. Her father gave me a quest so I will finish it." Souta nodded and said to her.

'Quest? Even if you will not get any benefits from it! You already know what will happen if that girl in the picture know that you're the one who killed her father.' Saya said to him.

"Yeah, I know it. It's the truth. I will not run away from it. If she asked me how her father died, I will tell her that I killed him." Souta muttered in a low voice that only he and Saya could hear.

'There's no doubt that little girl will try to kill you if she knew it.' Saya said.

"Yeah, that's for sure. She have the right to know how her father died so I will tell her if she asked me. But it's her entire decision if she wanted revenge." Souta said and his tone slowly turned into a cold one. "If she comes at me full of killing intent, then I will not hesitate to do what I need to do."

'You're strangely out of character today. Is there something in your mind that's bothering you?' Saya asked him after she heard his words.

"Nothing." Souta shook his head and he placed back the pendant inside his pocket.

'Also, you're acting strange this week. I've been observing you for a long time so I know if you're thinking about something.' Saya said to him.

'What do you mean?' Souta asked him.

'This week. You've been coming to the red light district every day. I know that you only visited the red light district after you've experienced a life and death situation to vent your stress.' Saya explained to him what she found strange in him. She pointed at something. 'Look at you. Your hands are shaking.'

Souta looked at his hands and saw that Saya was right. His hands were trembling and sweating.

'You're afraid. But I don't know why you are afraid.'

Souta took a deep breath to calm himself. He was afraid of the upcoming events as he knew that there was no safe place in this world once chaos broke out.

'Use this festival to relax yourself and forget your problem. In the first place, that's the purpose of this festival. To let the students experience the life of normal students.'

"Right, I'll do that." Souta nodded his head with a solemn look.


Souta gave the bottles of water to his company. Cluster, Lynn, and Bryan, the three of them also received the spicy special barbeque that Souta bought.

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