Chapter 124 - Chain Quest: Getting the man back

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"Souta, don't tell me... You like Miss Lumilia!" Tidor said as he looked at Souta with wide eyes.

Brianna, Jane, John, and Tim turned their head and looked at Souta as if they wanted to know if it's true.

Souta sighed and said, "I wonder about that... But who knows what will happen in the future."

He then patted Yuko's head and said, "I currently don't have someone I like except for Yuko."

"That's too bad... I really thought that you have..." Tidor dropped his shoulders.

"Really, if you're already like this to a girl who's just your classmate, I wonder what can you do if you found someone that you like," Jane said to him.

"I don't know about that... But if I'll use Yuko as a reference then I'm prepared to annihilate the Adventurers Guild, so that those hunters wouldn't give Yuko some trouble." Souta said to them.

"You're really something. Not everyone can say the same words as you do." Brianna smiled wryly and said.

"It's easy to say, hard to do. I could even say that I could even kill those gods for Yuko." Souta said and he shook his head. "Well, let's prepare now. I've still got something to do so wait Lumilia here."

He didn't even let the Gale Group question him as he already started running.

"Yuko! Stay here for a while!"

Souta left those words before he vanished into thin air.

Brianna, Tidor, Jane, and the rest of the Gale Group could only stare at the place where Souta disappeared.


Souta was hiding in the bushes. He tracked the footprint of the knights and it led him in the underground base of the Asvares mansion.

"Underground? I guess that all the noble's mansion has an underground base." Souta muttered as he rubbed his chin.

All the intruders that they caught were placed in the basement. They didn't hand it in the hands of the city guards at all.

"I only have one hour to leave this place, so I will take back that man quickly," Souta said. He then looked around and only saw two knights guarding the basement.

He took a deep breath and silently clenched his fists.

The two knights were talking to each other. They don't have any idea that Souta was going to attack them.

Suddenly, shadows burst out of the ground and strangled their bodies.

"What the-" The knights were about to shout when the shadows covered their mouths and eyes.

Souta did this so that they wouldn't know that he attacked them.


Souta jumped out of the bushes and he charged straight to the two knights. He gathered his mana in both of his fists and he swiftly knocked out the two knights.

Bang! Bang!

The shadows disappeared and the two knights fell down on the ground.

"Sleep well." Souta looked down at the two unconscious knights and said before he went down in the basement.

He wouldn't kill these knights because there's no enmity between him and the Asvares family. Also, these people were Asvares family's knights. He wouldn't kill them for no reason because he doesn't want Lumilia knew that he was killing the knights of their family. It would leave a bad impression on her.

Souta walked downstairs until he found a corridor that has jails on each side. At the end of the corridor, he saw the knights were locking up the man inside a jail.

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