Chapter 194 - Let's take a look at the Adventurers Guild

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"Do you want to gather points in this outdoor training or not?" Souta asked his team members. He looked at their eyes with a serious expression. The challenges that the institute gave to them were easy. He could complete it whenever he wanted.

"I don't care about it. I'll just go with the majority." Alice replied to him as she crossed her arms.

"I got it." Souta nodded at her and he looked at Yujin, Lynn, and Lumilia. He didn't need to ask Lumilia at all. He already knew her answer so that leave it to Lynn and Yujin.

"It's fine for me. I wanted to test my skills and fighting other students is a part of training too." Lumilia answered.

"M-Mila..." Lynn looked at her friend. She actually doesn't want to fight but it seems that all of her teammates wanted to fight other classes.

Lumilia looked at her and placed her mouth closer to Lynn's ear. She whispered, "I thought that you wanted to fight beside Souta. That's the reason why you started to train, right?"

"B-But... I'm still weak." Lynn said with a downcast expression.

Souta heard her words. He looked at her and said, "You're not weak. It's just your fighting style isn't compatible with your talent. You'll get stronger if you change it."

Lynn wasn't compatible with burst type mage. She was too kind and probably couldn't kill a person. She was suited more at support type mage or sensory type. If she trained her skills, she will become great in both types.

"R-Really?" Lynn asked with a doubtful expression. She thought that Souta was just putting good words so that she wouldn't felt down.

"I'm not joking. I'm going to explain it to you later." Souta said to her with a smile. He then looked at Yujin with a serious look.

Lumilia stood up and said, "I'm going to get water." She walked towards the door and stopped. She turned her head and glanced at Lynn and Souta. She then opened the window and exited the room.

Alice was looking at Lumilia from the corner of her eyes. She followed Lumilia's line of sight.

"Hmm..." The corner of her mouth curved upward.

"Fine, we'll gather points," Yujin said with a sigh. He leaned his back on the wall and looked at the ceiling. "We have to get stronger so we have to do it."

"Good... That's a good decision." Souta said as he couldn't help but grin. There's another reason why he wanted to complete the task. And that's because several quests pop up in his system when he received the challenges and tasks of this outdoor training.

This was the reason why Souta like the special events in the institute. He could earn a lot of points by defeating other students. In this quest, he didn't need to place his life on the line.

Alice then opened her mouth and asked, "What should we do now? I already finish the solo challenge."

"Hmm...?" Souta rubbed his chin before he said, "Let's make this place our base of operations to complete the other challenge. Then, everyone will go out to complete the solo challenge."

He looked at Alice and added, "If you don't want to go, you can stay here. After all, you already complete your solo challenge."

"I'll go. I have nothing to do here." Alice shook her head and said.

"Okay." Souta nodded at her. "We have to do the challenges every day so tomorrow please woke up early in the morning. We'll complete our challenge then defeat the other class."

"You make it sound easy," Alice said to him.

"Um... Souta is strong. He fought several classes on his own in the special test before." Lynn said to Lumilia.

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