Chapter 81 - Finally

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[Congratulations on completing the quest monster tide!]

[Calculating rewards...]


[You've received 50,000 exp, 10 free attribute points, 3 skill points!]


[You've level up!]

[Strength attributes have increased by 8!]

[Intelligence, Agility, Dexterity, and Vitality have increased by 5!]

[You've received 2 free attribute points!]

[You've received 1 skill point!]


[You've reached the level requirement for the next evolution!]

Souta heard a series of sounds in his head. The rewards he received from this quest was plenty. He was satisfied with the result.

He now fulfilled all the requirements that he needed to evolve. He could undergo evolution any time he wanted.

Souta looked around the place. The corpse of monsters was all around the place. Almost five thousand monsters died in this battle.

Their side also suffered some casualties. Some of the adventurers and guards died in this battle. A group of people was handling the carcass of the monsters. The hunters took the monster that they killed. They wouldn't give the body of a monster with a monster orb to anyone.

All the souls became a nutrient to increase Souta's stats. With all the souls here, Souta managed to use the effect of the [Harvester of the Souls] five times. All of these went to his vitality attribute.

Souta stretched his arms and felt pain all over his body. His arms, chest, and legs were covered in small cuts and bite marks.

With all the monsters here, Souta wouldn't be able to avoid their attack if all of them attack at the same time.

Souta walked towards the gate. The healers built a tent beside it to treat the wounds of the adventurers and guards. There's a long line of people waiting to be treated.

"Souta!" A familiar voice sounded behind him.

Souta turned around and was surprised by what he saw.


Bryan was covered in blood. His body was full of wounds. His wounds were worse than Souta. It seems that he fought recklessly this time again.

Souta could only sigh at Bryan's look. He wondered how Bryan survived like this as an adventurer.

"What's wrong, Souta?" Bryan asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Nothing." Souta shook his head.

Both of them fall in line. A lot of people suffered injuries in this battle, so the line was quite long.

"Ah! I remember something!" Bryan exclaimed.

"What is it?" Souta asked with a bored expression.

"What do you plan to do to the ranking?" Bryan asked him.

"Hmm... Let's see..." Souta recalled the ranking battles that were happening in the institute. A lot of students were participating in this battle. They were eager to raise their ranks.

Souta looked at his wrist and saw a device that looks like a wristwatch. It was a device that recorded students' rank and points. A kingdom like this couldn't produce a technology like this.

[1-200] THE EVOLUTION OF A GOBLIN TO THE PEAK  Where stories live. Discover now