Chapter 184 - Going back to Ladros City

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Souta and Lumilia found Ranny and the guild master's body. Luckily for them, the guild master was still breathing. They quickly poured a healing potion in his mouth and casted healing spells so that the guild master won't die.

They did everything they could just to kept the guild master alive. Luckily, the guild master was a strong person and he managed to survive despite his grave injuries all over his body.

His right arm was gone and he had a large hole in his stomach. Some of his organs took damaged in the process. His mana pool was severely damaged because of the dense best feram and corrupted air. It was one of the most problematic wounds in his body.

If they delayed the treatment further, there's a high chance that the guild master will lose all of his mana. He would go back to zero and he needed to train once again to increase his mana capacity.

But that's not Souta's problem anymore. Souta just wanted to save him as thanks for his help in fighting the dark vine stinger. But if he could somehow help him later then Souta would do it.

He wouldn't forget anyone who helped him even if it's not intentional.

As for Ranny, he was already dead as he received the exp from him even though Saya was the one who killed him.


He came back with Lumilia and found that Yuko was sleeping in the corner. Souta smiled as he looked at her sleeping face.

"Souta! We've already finished gathering the fragments!" Bryan shouted when he saw Souta.

"Good job, give the fragments to Lumilia." Souta nodded and said. "You and Brando will help me move the corpse on the surface."

"Okay." Bryan and Brando nodded at him and they give the fragments that they gathered to Souta.

They proceeded to carry the corpse of the dark vine stinger to the surface. They also didn't forget about the guild master and Ranny's corpse. They called the adventurers from the guild and told them that the guild master with them.

They got to know that everything's done.


After one day...

"Thank you for saving this dukedom... Just like what I promise, everything that I owned will be yours." Old man Jared said while kneeling in front of Souta. He was thankful for Souta's help.

"Good. Name it in my name and I'll let you borrow it." Souta said while looking down at the old man Jared.

When he saved old man Jared, Souta received another quest from him. And that quest was to save this whole dukedom from the mastermind. That's what he wanted as he really didn't care about the old man Jared's property.

"R-Really?" Old man Jared lifted his head and looked at Souta.

"Yeah. Just don't forget that everything that you owned is mine. I'll visit this place one day and take everything that's mine." Souta said before he turned around and left the old man Jared's house.

Everyone in the whole Fersch Dukedom knew that their duke was dead and the one who's controlling him was the commander of his knights, Ranny. They were shocked when they found the truth. They couldn't understand how could Ranny do that thing to his lord.

The folks were ignorant of Ranny's backstory. They thought that Ranny was evil from the beginning and didn't know why he killed the duke and his family.

No one knew about this thing including Souta. Ranny buried all the reasons he had with him. He didn't tell anyone about this as he didn't need their sympathy.

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