Chapter 44 - Battle Start!

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"Just you know this is a physical strength subject so any usage of mana is forbidden," Alex said to the students with a serious expression.

"But teacher we're a mage..." A girl from the mage class said. If they didn't use mana then they were bound to lose in this fight. A mage without mana was pretty much a trash.

Alex raised his eyebrows at the words of the girl. He opened his mouth and said, "Huh? What are you saying? I just said that this is physical strength subject so it's natural that all of you will use your physical strength, not magical strength." He paused and looked at everyone's face before he continued, "This is not a magic subject. This is physical strength subject. Did you get it? Just from the name of the subject, one would understand what we'll do so why ask such a question."

Souta smirked inwardly. Physical strength was not a problem for him as his strength stats were even higher than his intelligence stats.

"A mage should at least have some physical power. What will you do once you drained your mana? Wait for your opponent to kill you? or wait for someone to rescue you? You should've at least have the physical strength to run away so that you wouldn't become a burden to your comrades... if you have some." Alex said in a loud voice.

"Well, that's true..." Souta said in a low voice. If the mage doesn't know how to defend himself when he runs out of mana then he/she was going to become a burden to his/her comrades.

Alex clasped both of his hands and said, "Okay, we will start the battle so be prepared." He then turned around and placed a blackboard in front of the class. He listed the matches of the tournament on the blackboard.

Souta, Bryan, Alice, and the rest of the students looked at the list on the blackboard.

"My battle..." Souta turned his head and looked at the class rep, Lumilia. "Is with a class rep and it is the first match."

Bryan also looked at the class rep. He saw that Souta will fight Lumilia in the first match.

"What about you, Bryan?" Souta asked Bryan who was looking at Lumilia.

"Hmm... How to say this... It's not from our class." Bryan said. He doesn't know who's the one he's gonna fight. The name was unfamiliar to him so he could guess that it came from the shield class.

Souta then turned his head to Alice and asked, "What about you Alice?"

"Hmmph! The same as him." Alice closed her eyes. She seemed that she's not going to answer if he asked another question.

Souta smiled wryly at her response. He then shook his head and looked at the students of shield class. He knew that they have an advantage among the people of his class as he knew that shield class was tackling physical strength than magical. They were focused on strengthening their body.

If a mage was going to fight without mana then he/she was bound to have a hard time. It was because they were not trained that way. Fighting close combat wasn't easy for a mage who preferred to fight long range.

While Souta was thinking about this thing, Lumilia was observing him. After all, she was going to fight him in the first match.

She was the third daughter of the Asvares family. Asvares family was a noble family of the Gripin city, the neighboring city of Ladros City. She inherited some of the sword skills of her family so she knew how to fight in close range despite being a mage.

'Just what is that guy thinking? Looking at other class when he knows that he's going to fight me.' Lumilia thought.

Most of the students in the mage class were nervous. It was especially to the students who were going to fight the student of the shield class. It was easy to understand why they were nervous. After all, they were going to fight the people who trained physically in a physical battle when they were a mage.

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