Chapter 2

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Kurotsuchi: HUUH!? You were a jonin at age 12!? But how!

Y/n just laughs

Y/n: I was just strong Kurotsuchi. That's why I got promoted to Jonin

Kurotsuchi: must be at least Kage level right now! Heck you could even beat my gramps!

Y/n: Yeah...but I've got a long long way to go, to get even stronger.

Kurotsuchi looks at Y/n as she starts to blush. She realises that she has to look up to look at Y/n's face instead of looking straight at him

Kurotsuchi: did you change so much?

Y/n: After our mission to beat you guys, we entered the chunin exams where I had to go up against Orochimaru

Kurotsuchi: mean Orochimaru? As in legendary Sannin Orochimaru?

Y/n smiles and nods

Y/n: Yep..but that unfortunately had some consequences

Y/n feels his right eye as Kurotsuchi understands what happened

Kurotsuchi: Oh...I'm sorry Y/n

Y/n: It's fine! I don't really need pity. I got past it and was able to become the person that I am today.

Kurotsuchi: How come you were able to know that we were going to take a piece of land from the land of fire?

Y/n: I just happened to be passing by that's why. If I wasn't, then you would have most definitely taken over the piece of land you were looking for

Kurotsuchi sighs as her head falls down

Kurotsuchi: I could have had a perfect mission success percentage...but you ruined it!!!

Y/n: Twice.

Kurotsuchi: You!!

Kurotsuchi tries to grab Y/n but he just jumps and backflips onto a tree

Y/n: You have to remember I am stronger then you now Kuro. You can't just be trying things like that.

Kurotsuchi blushes

Kurotsuchi: S-shut up!!

Kurotsuchi: How come you don't have your headband on?

Y/n: Oh...I lost it during my training with Naruto and Jiraiya-sensei so I have to get a new one. And I was on a mission when I had a new one but I lost that too

Kurotsuchi: You were on a mission? How long ago?

Y/n freezes

Y/n: A couple of months ago....Granny Tsunade has no clue where I am at the moment

Kurotsuchi: mean Tsunade Senju? The legendary Sannin?

Y/n: Yeah, she is the fifth Hokage

Kurotsuchi: So you've had a interaction with all three legendary Sannin

Y/n: You could say that. Yes, yes I have

Kurotsuchi: That's so lucky!

Y/n: Yeah...well it's time for me to get going back to the leaf village

Kurotsuchi: But you haven't been there in months, why would you want to go now?

Y/n: Better late then never am I right?

Kurotsuchi smiles and nods

Kurotsuchi: are right.

Y/n starts to walk off, Kurotsuchi wanted to say something but couldn't pluck up the words to say it

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