Chapter 55

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Y/n goes back to the HQ as he sees Shikaku and Inoichi still there

Y/n: We managed to deal with Kabuto and redo the edo-tensei.

Shikaku: We? Did you have some help from some people?

Y/n: Yeah I had help from Sasuke and Itachi. The Uchiha geniuses helped me out in taking Kabuto down

Shikaku: I what is your next plan of action Y/n?

Y/n thinks for a moment before looking at Shikaku

Y/n: Naruto, Guy, Bee and Kakashi are all fighting the masked man and the ten tails right now, and would need more fire power

Inoichi: Wouldn't it be the best choice of action to help them out by going to them

Y/n: But that leads to both me and Naruto being there. And if the masked man is strong enough he can take down me, Naruto and Bee and that would be game over

Inoichi realises what Y/n is talking that

Inoichi: That makes sense

Shikaku: So what will it be then.

Y/n thinks for a moment before remembering what the old man toad told him all that time ago when he was there

Y/n: I'm going to go and reach a height that Naruto reached also

Shikaku thinks for a moment before realising what Y/n is talking about

Shikaku: You are going to learn sage mode aren't you

Y/n nods as he waves some hand signs

Y/n: Give me a couple of hours and I'll have sage mode completed just like Naruto. And tell them that I will be coming

Y/n reverse summons to Mt. Myaboku as he makes his way to where Ma and Pa are

Y/n: Sorry to interrupt.

Ma and Pa turn to see Y/n there

Pa: Y/n-boy! What brings you to Mt. Myaboku

Ma: And look at you! You are looking more and more handsome everyday

Y/n: Thanks Ma..

Y/n turns to Pa

Y/n: I would like to learn sage mode as quickly as possible Pa.

Pa and Ma were shocked

Pa: But it takes some time for someone to master sage mode, for Naruto it took him a whole week! How long do you have?

Y/n: Hours. Pa and Ma there is a war going on right now and they would really need my help.

Pa sits down for a bit as he starts to think of it truly can be possible to master sage mode in hours

Ma: We have to give him a chance Pa...he really needs it.

Pa sighs as he looks up at Y/n

Pa: Fine, I'll teach you sage mode but it will be very tough

Y/n: It's fine I don't really mind

Y/n and Pa walk off towards the area where Naruto had once trained

Pa: What I would like you to do Y/n is to simply sit still and try to absorb Nature energy

Pa rubs some oil on Y/n's body

Pa: This will help you absorb Nature energy a lot faster but it comes with the repercussion that you could turn into a frog

Y/n: Okay.

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