Y/n sees that Kakashi's sharingan has changed shape
Y/n: Did your sharingan get a power up or something Kakashi-sensei?
Kakashi smiles
Kakashi: I've always had this but I haven't really used it much. But since you are quite strong Y/n, I had to pull out all of my tricks
Y/n smiles
Y/n: I guess I'll do the same too.
Y/n drops his sword as he gets onto all fours. Suddenly, nine tails chakra starts to surround Y/n as he goes into his one tails version
Kakashi: What?
Y/n: You are not the only one with tricks up his sleeve Kakashi-sensei!
Tsunade: He is able to use the nine tails power?
Sakura: So he really wasn't bluffing...
Ino: It's Y/n Sakura! Why would you expect him to bluff at all
Y/n smiles and looks at Kakashi
Y/n: I hope you are ready?
Kakashi nods causing Y/n to run towards Kakashi at high speeds and kick him in the stomach causing to go a few trees back.
Y/n: I'm not going to all out. Because that might kill you Kakashi-sensei
Kakashi realises that he is in trouble right now as Y/n is just pounding him and beating him....so he puts his hand up, sighs and covers his sharingan
Kakashi: I forfeit. You are stronger then me Y/n
Kakashi smiles as the nine tails chakra around Y/n starts to disappear
Kakashi: You have surpassed me....
Y/n: It seems I beat your little punishment Granny Tsunade.
Kakashi nervously smiles as Tsunade looks at Kakashi then sighs
Tsunade: I mean it was expected....you really are strong Y/n.
Sakura: I would like to go up against you Y/n!
Sakura grips her gloves as she walks towards Y/n
Y/n: Really?
Sakura nods
Sakura: I would like to see how much stronger I have gotten! And what better way to test it on the person who helped me
Y/n shows a small smile as he looks at Sakura
Y/n: Sure then. Let's fight then.
Y/n drops his sword and puts his hands up as Sakura does the same
Sakura: Lets see how strong I've gotten!
Sakura puts on her earth fists as she runs towards Y/n with speeds quicker then Sakura used to have.
Sakura: Chaaa!!!
Sakura punches at Y/n but Y/n is able to dodge the punch and goes in for a punch on Sakura but Sakura blocks it
Sakura: Did you really think I would let you do that?
Y/n does a sweep kick as he kicks Sakura onto the floor
Y/n: It was just a distraction.
Sakura gets back up as quickly as she got down as she starts to engage with Y/n in taijutsu
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The speed that they are going is quite fast which Y/n is actually very impressed at
Y/n: Her Taijutsu has really really gotten better. It must have been all that training with granny Tsunade
Y/n and Sakura continue their little Taijutsu battle as Y/n does decide to use his lightning style to get the upper hand on Sakura and kicks her away
Y/n: I'm impressed Sakura. You were able to keep up with me for a bit.
Sakura smiles
Sakura: It's all thanks to Tsunade-sama
Kakashi: It seems you trained her well Tsunade
Tsunade nods
Tsunade: I taught her everything I knew. She should be very strong
Sakura balls her fists as she runs towards Y/n and starts to try and punch him but Y/n continues to dodge all the punches threw until he is next to tree
Y/n: This again huh?
Sakura: And this time....I won't miss!! Chaaa!!
Sakura throws a very powerful punch at Y/n, since he has to dodge it, he quickly jumps, taps Sakura's hand and backflips over her causing her to punch the tree yet again
Sakura: Grrr!!
Inner Sakura: We were so close! Cha!!
Y/n laughs a bit which no one had heard for a while so they were shocked
Y/n: I am really impressed!
Y/n smiles to which Sakura blushes
Sakura: T-thank you Y/n...
Y/n: I guess this little show and tell thing is over granny Tsunade?
Tsunade nods
Y/n: I'm going to go and roll around the village for a bit then
Sakura: How about I join you Y/n?
Y/n: Sure. I don't mind.
Sakura smiles as she runs up to Y/n not before sticking her tongue out at Ino
Sakura: Let's go then!
Y/n: Okay.
Y/n and Sakura walk off towards the leaf village to the annoyance of Ino
Y/n and Sakura were walking and talking through the village as Sakura sees two people walking towards them
Sakura: Mom! Dad!
Sakura runs to them and hugs them
Mebuki: How are you sweety?
Sakura: I'm good!
Kizashi: That's good...who is this boy you are with
Kizashi points at Y/n
Mebuki: I thought you were trying to talk to Y/n? What happened to that?
Sakura blushes
Sakura: Mom! You don't have say that!
Mebuki: That guy is handsome...but I thought you were talking to Y/n?
Sakura: The thing is...
Y/n: I am Y/n Mebuki-san.
Mebuki and Kizashi were shocked
Kizashi: Y/n!! You have changed!
Kizashi walks to Y/n as he shakes his hand
Y/n: It's nice to see you Kizashi-san.
Mebuki: You have changed so much...but in a good way
Sakura: Mom!!!
Y/n looks at Mebuki and Kizashi
Y/n: I've been away from the village for a couple years and I was training with Jiraiya-sensei and my brother Naruto. I decided to come back early since there was no need to get more training
Mebuki and Kizashi nod
Mebuki: So you are going to be in village more?
Y/n nods
Mebuki: I hope to see you around...
Y/n: You too. I'm going to go back to my house Sakura. It was nice.