Naruto and Sakura nod as they start to walk off before Y/n turns around
Y/n: Thank you for this opportunity and I hope that we as the Kage can get better!
Y/n smiles which causes everyone else to smile
Ay: That kid....
Kurotsuchi: Y/n!!!! Have safe journeys back!
Y/n: Thanks Kurotsuchi, I appreciate it
Y/n smiles at her causing her to blush as Y/n and Naruto walk towards Gaara, Kankuro and Temari
Y/n: It's good to see that you guys are alive and well..
Kankuro: I could say the same about you
Temari: We were worried about you Y/n. Well Gaara mostly was
Y/n: I'm back now and I'm here for peace this time...
Gaara smiles as he sticks his hand out
Gaara: To a Hokage and Kazekage relationship
Y/n smiles as he shakes Gaara's hand
Y/n: We can add the other Kage in too
They all smile as Y/n, Naruto and Sakura walk off
Y/n: See ya
Y/n walks off as they start to make their way to the entrance of the building
Onoki: There is just something about that boy...
Kurotsuchi: It told you gramps! Y/n is special!
Ay: He has some sort of aura around him...
Mei: It's a frighting but calming aura...
Gaara: He is someone I have come to respect through battle...
With Kakashi
Both Kakashi and Sasuke got hit with the chidori as Kakashi got off lightly due to Sasuke being quite blind allowing Kakashi to stab Sasuke right in the shoulder causing him to cough out blood
Sasuke: Damn it...
Kakashi: It's my duty as Sensei to do something if you ever do something
Sasuke starts to laugh while holding his shoulder
Sasuke: Try and bring back my clan...stop acting like you are still my Sensei!!!
Sasuke while blinded and injured rushes in on pure instincts at Kakashi and starts to try and combo him but Kakashi is able to quickly take care of Sasuke and throw him to the side.
Karin: Sasuke!!
Karin, Suigetsu and Jūgo appear out of nowhere as Suigetsu and Jugo get ready to fight Kakashi while Karin goes over to Sasuke
Sasuke: Karin....could you try and hold down Kakashi?
Karin looks towards Kakashi as she looks at Suigetsu and Jugo as they both charge towards Kakashi and try and catch him lacking which they are able to di as Karin holds onto him
Karin: I've got him Sasuke!
Sasuke: Good...
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