Chapter 60

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Y/n and Naruto stand next to each other as they both have activated Sage mode in KCM 2

Y/n and Naruto stand next to each other as they both have activated Sage mode in KCM 2

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Y/n: Nice going Naruto!

Naruto: Alright!!

Y/n and Naruto both go into their full Kurama modes as they are charging up a sage mode charged Rasengan

Y/n and Naruto both go into their full Kurama modes as they are charging up a sage mode charged Rasengan

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Y/n: Father, could you help us out!

Minato puts his hand in both Y/n and Naruto's Kurama states

Minato: Yeah!

They teleport away as they go straight towards Obito as they slam him with a rasengan which connects and sends Obito flying towards the ground and also causes Y/n and Naruto to go flying back too.

Naruto: That black thing is hard! But we took it down!

Y/n: We have to keep going and attack!

Naruto and Y/n both charge up a sage mode infused tailed beast bomb as Obito gets ready.

Obito: No need to get too hasty

Obito puts his hands together as the ten tails starts to come out from him.

Naruto: He spit out the ten tails?

Y/n: Be careful.

The ten tails starts to transform as it grows a massive flower

The ten tails starts to transform as it grows a massive flower

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