While the Naruto vs the six paths of pain fight is happening...another fight is happening at the same time
Sakura had appeared from the rubble as she started to look around
Sakura: What happened to the village!? Who would cause such a thing!
Sakura turns to her left and sees someone in an Akatsuki cloak walking through the village
Sakura: It must have been them....the Akatsuki!!
Sakura balls her fist as she enhances her speed just like Y/n taught her all those years ago as she rushes directly towards the person with the Akatsuki cloak
Sakura: CHAAAAA!!!!
Sakura decks the person thinking that they are dead but Sakura just sees paper everywhere
Sakura: What the...?
Konan: So....it seems someone wants to take me down. Sorry, but I have somewhere to be
Sakura: Oh no you don't! You were the one who destroyed our village!
Sakura puts her arm out as a bunch of petals start to form into a scythe
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Sakura goes to Konan and starts to use her scythe and tries to slash Konan but Konan is able to use her paper intangibility to dodge and also weave all of the attacks that Sakura are throwing at her
Konan: I guess I should hit back then.
Konan creates the same kind of weapon as Sakura as they both clash but Konan is able to get the advantage over Sakura as she kicks Sakura into the debris
Sakura: Damn it..!
Sakura isn't able to waver as a bunch of paper bombs come towards Sakura exploding and causing Sakura to crash backwards and her skin to be burnt
Sakura: She isn't someone to be messed with...she was able to deal with Y/n-
That makes Sakura stop and start to doubt herself
Sakura: If Y/n wasn't able to defeat her...then what makes me think that I can take her on...
Sakura starts to test her resolve and question herself while Konan comes at her with a barrage of Paper bombs
Sakura: I can't waver now! I have to try and do something...to protect the village and the people in it!
Sakura clenches her fist yet again as she rushes towards Konan and starts to try and punch her but Konan sprouts her wings and goes up into the air and starts to avoid the attacks by Sakura