Konohamaru: So you are telling me that we are going to have to go to a new area now big bro Y/n?
Y/n nods
Y/n: I have been asked and talked about in area so it is not safe for us and you guys to be here.
Moegi: So where are we going to go?
Udon: Yeah!
Y/n: We are just going to have to go to the next town and try and do some tasks there to lay low
Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon nod
Moegi: I think that would be the best plan big bro Y/n!
Y/n: And also once we get there, I guess I might just teach you all something that is specific to you
Their faces light up
Udon: What are we waiting for!?
Konohamaru: Let's get a move on then!!
They walk out from the port and start to walk to hopefully find a place that they can lay low
Hidan and Kakazu were walking into Kigakure village as people start to look at them
Villager 1: Wait...those robes...are they part of that group...?
The villagers start to run into their houses and hold their children tightly
Hidan: Do they think that we are scary or something?
Hidan sees a kid walking as he scares the kid causing them to cry to their parents
Kakazu: Calm down Hidan. We are only here for business
Kakazu is still counting his money as they make their way through the village until they make it to a area
Hidan: And what would this place be
Kakazu: This is the place where their chief stays. Maybe we can strike a little deal with him
Hidan: Allow me Kakazu. You continue to count your money or whatever you were doing
Hidan slashes down the doors with his scythe as the chief looks up at them with sweat and confusion
Chief: Who...who are you!? And why did you break down my door!?
Kakazu: We have an offer for you.
Chief: Why would I work with the likes of you? I know all about what you guys do and your shady business with tailed beast capturing
Hidan laughs
Hidan: It seems that this guy is a bit educated
Kakazu takes out a suitcase as he slams it on the table
Kakazu: I'm willing to give you a lot of money to help us with our cause
Chief: What is your cause...?
Hidan: I thought you were not interested huh? Why the sudden change of mind
Hidan smiles
Chief: I-I can't take that! There is no way!
The chief pushes it back to Kakazu and Hidan
Kakazu: Fine then. We will just burn this whole village down.
Hidan: Yeah! And there is nothing that you could do about it
The chief thinks for a moment
Chief: What kind of favour are you looking for...?
Kakazu shows the chief the bingo book.
Kakazu: We are looking for Y/n Uzumaki. He has apparently been rumoured to be around this area so we are banking that he comes here
Chief: And what would you like me to do?
Kakazu: It's simple. We would just like you to tell us if he is in the village at all, and the money will be yours
Hidan: Can you do that for us chief?
Hidan holds his scythe at the chiefs throat as he gulps
Chief: Y-yes I can do that! Please just don't hurt me and my village
Kakazu: We are going to leave then. Pleasure doing business
Kakazu and Hidan walk off before Kakazu turns around again
Kakazu: Oh....and if he does come and you don't tell us....we will kill you.
This installs fear into the chief as Hidan and Kakazu leave the area to lie in wait for Y/n
With Y/n and his squad
Y/n, Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon make it to the Kigakure village
Y/n: I guess we were able to find a village.
Konohamaru: Does that mean that you can teach me that jutsu Y/n?
Udon: And me?
Moegi: And me too?
Y/n: Don't worry guys, I will train all of you guys but I need to get some supplies first so just bare with me for a bit
Y/n body flickers into the heart of the village as he starts to look for the essentials that he needs
Y/n: What were the things that Jiraiya-sensei got for me to learn the rasengan..?
Y/n remembers the things as he goes to the shops and grabs the things that he needs
Villager 2: You look quite familiar...have I not seen you somewhere?
Y/n turns around to look at the person
Y/n: I dunno.
Girl 1: You really are quite good looking you know...?
The girl starts to get a bit close to Y/n but he slowly backs up
Y/n: I'm fine.
Y/n body flickers away causing the people to be a bit confused
Girl 2: Who in the world was he...?
Y/n makes it to Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon with all of the stuff
Y/n: I guess I can really train you guys now.
Konohamaru: Great!! What do I have to work on?
Y/n: Since you want to do it so much. How about you try and learn the rasengan.
Konohamaru: I'll ace it in no time!!
Y/n: Not everyone is able to master it in a few days Konohamaru.
Y/n sticks his hand out as he creates a rasengan
Y/n: It takes time to master it fully.
Y/n passes Konohamaru a water balloon
Konohamaru: A water balloon? What is that going to do for me?
Y/n: I want you to try and pop the water balloon. Like this
Y/n takes one and pops in in no time
Konohamaru: Okay! I will try!
Y/n takes out his coat as he sits down next to tree with the wind blowing in his hair
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The Prodigy (Naruto Shippuden x Male Reader)
FanfictionY/n Uzumaki is back in the village! It's been three years since he left. How has he been? And most of all... How much stronger is he?