Chapter 29

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After reading the comments and seen that some people were upset about the fight and how it doesnt make sense at all, let me break it down.

1) Konan and ALL of the six paths of pain had been buffed up so they are not like their anime counterparts
2) I'm not going to lie, I should have never made Y/n run out of chakra as someone did say he is an Uzumaki and a jinchiriki which is true but it just worked for plot convenience
3) This fight was also to humble Y/n a little and to take him out the picture so people like Naruto and Sakura can shine since they haven't been seen much

I hope this clears everything up.

It starts with Naruto and Kakashi walking towards the Hokage's office as they both enter to see Tsunade, Shizune, Sai, Sakura and even Fugasaku there.

Naruto: Huh? What is going on?

Everyone has sad faces on as they were looking at Naruto

Fugasaku: So he is Jiraiya-boy's student and the twin of Y/n-boy?

Tsunade: Yes...this is Naruto Uzumaki. The "Child of Prophecy" That you mentioned.

Naruto: Why is a geezer frog here? What does he want

Tsunade: Oi! Watch your mouth, Naruto! This is Lord Fugasaku one of the great sages at mount myoboku.

Naruto: So! What does he want with me?

Tsunade: He is here to speak to you.

Fugasaku: You are, without doubt, Jiraiya-boy's student and your attitude is a bit like Y/n's!

Naruto: Jiraiya-boy!? You talk as though Pervy sage is a little kid! Who do you think you are!

Tsunade: What did I say!? I said to watch your mouth Naruto!

Shizune: He is the man who taught Jiraiya sage jutsu. He is his master

Fugasaku starts to laugh

Fugasaku: Pervy Sage huh? What a fitting name for Jiraiya-boy!

Naruto: So what do you want with me then?

Fugasaku: I don't know where to start....where should I begin...

Fugasaku thinks for a moment

Fugasaku: The most important thing is.....Y/n-boy is gravely injured and probably dead

Naruto looks at Fugasaku with a straight face

Naruto: Eh?

Naruto: W-what are you talking about?

Everyone's faces were that of very sad looks as Sakura was almost on the verge of tears as well as Tsunade and Shizune

Fugasaku: I know this is sudden...

Fugasaku sighs

Fugasaku: For some time, it was rumoured that the leader of the Akatsuki was in the hidden rain village. So Jiraiya-boy personally asked Y/n-boy to come with him on the mission with him to which Y/n-boy agreed to.

Sakura: The leader of the Akatsuki was in the hidden rain?

Sai: It is a hard place to get into

Kakashi nods

Kakashi: But they were still able to get in

Fugasaku: There, Y/n-boy and Jiraiya-boy come up against the leader Pain.

Fugasaku: Pain was a former student of Jiraiya-boy.

Sakura: Student!? Jiraiya-sensei had students?

Tsaunde explains to them about Nagato, Konan and Yahiko

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