Chapter 10 (End of Shion Arc)

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Y/n was recovering from using the five tails state as he realises his duty

Y/n: I have to go and protect Shion. She must have already sealed him right?

Kurama: You are not fully healed Y/n, and some of your chakra isn't fully back yet

Y/n: It doesn't matter...At least I'm going to be able to protect Shion

Y/n slowly makes his way into the cave and sees Shion on her knees

Y/n: Shion! Have you completed the seal yet? Has the thing been completely sealed?

Y/n sees tears on Shion's face and realises something may be wrong

Shion: I don't deserve to be protected by you guys...

Tears roll down her face

Shion: People died for me Y/n!! And I didn't deserve it

Y/n: What do you mean by that Shion?

Y/n walks closer to Shion but the ground starts to erupt and shake as tentacles surround Y/n

Y/n: What the..?

The ground below Shion starts to crumble as she starts to fall

Y/n: Shion!!

Y/n runs through and tries to help her but he falls down onto the ground

Y/n: Damn it!!

A dragon goes towards Y/n as it tries to take him out but he is quickly able to dodge it and get out of the way

Y/n: I won't die here! And I won't let her die here also!

Y/n slowly gets up and starts trying to find ways to try and get to Shion.

Y/n: This dragon is really pissing me off!

Y/n takes out his sword and blocks it with his sword

Y/n: I wonder if she is dead...

Y/n wants to continue fighting as the dragons continue to try and hit him but for some reason he is being protected as he falls down onto the dirt

Y/n: What's going on...why did she protect me

Y/n sees the eye and darts right towards it

Y/n: You are not dying just like that!!

Y/n jumps into the eye and tries to grab Shion. She turns as she hears the bell

Y/n: You silly priestess! You thought that I was going to let you die! Not on my watch!

Y/n pulls her out of the darkness

Y/n: Stay with me Shion here! Stay with me!

Y/n: Do you want to be forgotten and plunged into the darkness huh!?

Y/n looks at her

Y/n: Come on now! Say it with your own words!

Shion: I want to live...I WANT TO LIVE!

Y/n: Now that's the spirit you silly priestess.

Y/n puts his hand up and starts to create a massive Rasengan

Y/n: Give it all you've got Shion!! And I'll give it all I've got too!!

Y/n gives it all the chakra that he has as he creates a giant rasengan

Y/n gives it all the chakra that he has as he creates a giant rasengan

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