In a secret hospital in the hidden leaf, there were a bunch of tubes and bunch of beeping noises as Y/n was lying down on the hospital bed. The beeping was slow at first and then started to get louder....and louder...and louder until...
Y/n: Where the hell am I!?
Y/n wakes up!!!! He looks around at his surrounds to see himself in some weird area
Kurama: It seems we haven't died yet again. We continue to get lucky you know
Y/n: Yeah...
Y/n hears the door opening as he sees someone walking in
Ino: I just hope that Y/n is still alive!
Hinata: It would pain Naruto if he wasn't alive...
Hinata and Ino look and see Y/n looking at them as he smiles and scratches his head
Y/n: It's good to be back?
Ino & Hinata: Y/NNNNN!!!!
They both rush towards him and give him a massive hug
Y/n: It's good to see you guys. Has anything happened while I was out
Ino: There was-
Y/n's stomach starts to growl as he looks at Ino and Hinata
Y/n: Can we get some food first?
Hinata: We brought some here just in case you woke up
Hinata does towards the wall and there was a bunch of food
Y/n: Thank goodness!!
Y/n dives in and starts to eat everything until there is nothing left
Y/n: So you are telling me that Naruto and Sakura beat Pain and Konan?
Y/n was walking with Ino and Hinata through the secret base of the hospital as they both nod
Hinata: Naruto did turn into the nine-tails after pain beat me up, but he did get the end result
Ino: And Sakura was able to use her new seal on Konan which beat her
Y/n smiles
Y/n: I'm proud! I'm very proud of Sakura and Naruto
Y/n grabs his stuff as he puts on different clothes
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Y/n: I guess it's time for me to make myself known in the village
Y/n takes out his one arm and points upwards to the sky as he starts to walk up the stairs
Ino: It's good to have him back...looking hot as always!
Ino blushes
Hinata: Y-you are right..
Y/n walks up the stairs and sees what has happened to the village.
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