Chapter 52

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Back at the HQ, everyone was shocked at the tremors and shakes that were happening on the bubble

Tsunade: What in the world is going on!?

Ao: Someone with extreme power must have just dropped something in the area of Gaara's team

Ay: And!? What was it!

Shikaku: That Tremor was too dangerous if it was even able to make its way over to us....something terrible must have happened

Tsunade: I'm going to go over there!

Shikaku: Lady Tsunade I wouldn't think that's-

Tsunade: It's someone of a big threat that people there couldn't deal with it! I have to go over there and sort it out

Shikaku sighs as he looks at the bubble which is still shaking form the tremor

Shikaku: I still don't still could be quite risky-

Suddenly someone appears right in the HQ as they breathe a sigh of relief

Y/n: It seems I made it out just in time of the explosion

Kurama: We were lucky to escape that, that could have killed us

Tsunade: Y/n?!

Shikaku: What happened over there Y/n and why was there such a massive tremor

Y/n: Turns out the Uchiha Madara got reanimated and started causing mayhem

Everyone was shocked

Tsunade: Madara? So if the person who just hit Gaara's unit was the real Uchiha Madara then...

Shikaku: Who is the man behind the mask?

Y/n: I would say his accomplice. Someone who took on the name of Madara to strike fear into his opponents even though they really were not

Y/n feels something trickling down his face as blood was coming from his forehead and his headband was scratched

Y/n: It seems that I didn't really come out of there unscathed

Ay: What technique was he using!

Y/n: He used something only rinnegan users could do. I tried to stop it using my Kurama avatar which I did...but then he summoned a second attack on me

Tsunade: So how were you able to escape?

Y/n: I knew I had left a seal in the HQ

Y/n points to the seal on the floor which makes Shikaku chuckle

Y/n: So I teleported over to that because if not then I probably would have died from the head on attack

Shikaku: Do you know about anyone else on the battlefield that is still alive?

Y/n shakes his head to his regret

Y/n: They all may have been wiped out by Uchiha Madara...

That installs some fear into everyone's mind apart from Y/n who saw Madara's power first hand and could find a way to deal with him

Tsunade: I have to go over there!

Ay: I'm with you on that one

They both slam the table causing it to break to which Y/n and Shikaku sigh

Y/n: You are going to have to be careful Granny. Raikage. He is a lot stronger than all of the other edo-tenseis...I can just feel-

Y/n grabs onto his stomach as he falls down onto the ground

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