Dallas~ Summer in Tulsa pt.3

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time skip towards the end of the summer: (sorry js lack of thoughts)

I spent the last 2 and half months spending time with my parents, the gang, and especially Dallas Winston. My parents were so happy to reunite with Dally again, but when we told them that we started dating, it did not surprise either of them. In their words, "We called it a long time ago." and "We knew it was love at first sight." I believed my parents when they told us it was love at first sight. I knew it too and so did he.

I woke up next to Dally as the Sun shone directly on top of his silky,fluffy hair. I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly began to wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled once he saw my face. I started to blush a little, and then he started to attack me by smothering me in kisses and tickling me.

"DAL! *laughs* I can- STOP *laughs* DALLY!!" I screamed wheezing my ass off.

"Good mornin' dollface." He laughed as he stopped tickling me. I looked into his deep, brown eyes and thought about us. I had to leave in about 2 days and wondered if we would still be together.

"Dal?" I asked and he hummed, implying that he was listening.

"What's gonna happen to us. You know I leave in a couple days and I just w-" I continued to talk but then suddenly broke down into tears.

"dally. I love you. Are we gonna work out?" i mumbled. Dallas seemed a bit thrown off as I threw these questions at him. He knew they were coming, but I guess he didn't want to realize that yet.

"Well doll, we're gonna work. No matter what. No matter what anybody says or does. We're gonna work. You wanna know why I know? It's because I love you and you love me. Nobody can tell us anything." he replied as he slowly stroked my cheek and gave me a tiny kiss on my nose.

"alright. *sniffle* I love you" I said as I wrapped my arms around him like it would be the last time to do so.

We got out of bed, got ready, headed downstairs to meet up with my parents, and eat breakfast. 

" Good morning sweetie" My mom spoke as we I approached the kitchen island preparing my plate.

"Morning Mom! Where's Dad?" I asked as I looked around not seeing him.

"He went into town to sign some papers and stuff. Here ya go."


"Dally do you want blueberries in yours or chocolate chips." my mom asked Dal for his topping for his pancakes. My parents have always treated Dal like he was one of their own. It was really easy telling them I was dating them because I knew they loved him already.

"Can I have both?"

"I like your style" my mom answered back as she winked at him and resumed cooking.

Dally and I sat at the kitchen table talking about what we should do later and whatever came up in our minds. My mom left maybe 5 minutes after she made everyone breakfast and went to meet up with my dad. Supposedly they had to sign something really big and idk I zoned out.

"You wanna meet up with the gang or go to the park?

"Umm how 'bout we invite the boys here and play some volleyball. I saw in the garage that they have a net and all that stuff." I replied to Dally's question. Me and Dal would always play volleyball back in NY if we saw a court or ppl playing. We would definitely hustle the guys.

"Alright doll I'll call the gang and we'll get ready." he said as he got up and kissed my forehead.

I didn't want to leave Dal. But I knew that I would have to since I live and NY and there's no way he's going back to his dad. If he wanted to, I would slap Dally really hard and tell him no. No way would I let my best friend and boyfriend go back to a traumatic life just for me.

We called the gang and they came really quick. Darry brought some snacks, Steve brought Cake, and Two of course brought the beer. We split in half and luckily me and Dal were on the same team. I gave him a wink and he knew exactly what I was thinking. Johnny, Pony, Dal and I were on 1 team, and the rest on Dar's team. I served the ball to start the game 

After maybe 10 minutes into the game, our team was ahead by 2 points. We needed to win and do it for Johnny ;). Johnny saved one of Darry's slikes, but he formed a huge bruise right after on his forearms. Dally and I had this in the bag so we went full on. We spiked towards Two because the man was drunk and seeing 5 balls. Dal and I high fived, as Steve and Soda started yelling at Two because he lost them the game. We hung around a bit more and then my parents showed up with happy faces. I was confused at what was happening, so I went to go ask them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I said

"Well sweetie we got a big surprise for you!" My dad said.

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