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1969: Vietnam War

"What do you mean!?" I violently sobbed as my fiancé just told me heartbreaking news after he put down the letter.

"I'm so sorry baby," he said as he wrapped my shaking body in his tense arms.

It was a nightmare come true, he was going to have to leave me and possibly never return. The president needed troops to be sent to Vietnam, and unfortunately my boy was drafted.

"Baby w-what if you never come home to me!? Or I never get to h-hold you a-again and what if I never get to say I-i love you anymore!?" I hyperventilated, rivers running down my red cheeks.

"Oh baby, don't cry and don't think like that. I mean it when I love you and if something does happen to me, just know that the effort I put into this war, is all for you. To make sure you're safe. You'll be the only thing on my mind, ok babes?" he said as he gave me doe eyes, I knew he was gonna break soon. 

"Oh doll, you mean everything to me!" he said as he cried into my shoulder, and we cried in each other's arms for the rest of the night.

Dal told me that he had 3 weeks left before he had to go on and fight war. I made sure those 3 weeks were the best times of our lives. He took me out on romantic dinner dates, took long drives together, adventured other cities, and spent quality time just to create lovely memories that we could look back on. 

-3 Weeks Later-

I stumbled out of bed after last night's 'fun' with Dally and heard noises in the kitchen. As a normal person would, I slowly crept into the kitchen and tears brimmed my eyes. There he was, standing in a military uniform with a suitcase packed and a body bag. He saw me in the corner of the doorway and his facial expression dropped. It was time. I guess we both lost track of time and were too happy with the moments we were creating. He settled his bags near the door and scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and silently wept.

"Now babes, I want you to remember how much I love you. I want you to be happy while I'm gone, ok? Don't want you going crazy when I get home alright?" he sniffled and let a few tears drop from his chocolate eyes. But those eyes were now puffy and red.

"I don't want you to go though!" I held him tighter around his neck and breathed in his scent. Hoping that the aroma would permanently mark in my mind. I studied his face again. Making sure that when he would return, it would exactly look like this.

"I'm sorry doll, but I really have to go.. I love you ok? When I get home, you-" he stopped mid sentence and stared at my face. He stared at it and made a mental image of it so he could think and remember it every night if he was scared or lonely. "I love you."

"I love you too" I replied giving him the most weak smile.

He pulled me in and gave me a long, passionate kiss. It was one of those kisses where you know it might be or would be the last time. I prayed it wouldn't be. He walked to the shuttle bus in front of our house and blew me a kiss. I tucked it safe in my pocket and returned the gesture. And there he went. 

-2 Years Later-

The day had finally come. The day my fiancé, my hood, my love, would come back home to me. I was currently getting ready at the Curtis house with the boys, and they were setting up the decorations for his 'Welcome Home' party. It is supposed to be a surprise, but I'm sure Dally knows anyway. Because if I didn't throw him a party, I would be the worst girlfriend in the world. His dismissal or tapping out ceremony is at 1:00 p.m and it is currently 12:15. I dressed my cute little surprise for Dally in a pink bow and all of us drove to the base. The captain or sergeant was giving a heartfelt speech about his troops and how lucky we are to have these men in our lives.

I glanced at my watch. 2 more minutes.

"God Bless America!" he said and the clock struck 1:00.

I ran with my tiny, delicate gift in my arms and searched for Dally in the crowd. The gang and I split up to find him faster, but they knew not to touch him for me. After 5 minutes of walking through people I spotted him. My knight in shining armor. My brave hero. I started crying as I walked closer and closer to him. His hair was a bit shorter, he stood up tall and straight, and his face looked even more perfect than before. I was walking from the side, making sure he couldn't see us yet. But once I approached him, I could see the tears swelling in his eyes. Though he followed orders and kept looking straight and with a serious expression. I grabbed the tiny little hand with mine and touched Dally. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me and our little baby girl in a deep, warm hug. We stayed like this and time stopped. It was my boy and my girl. 

"Baby you're here!" I whispered. He nodded and finally kissed me. The magnetic force in us pulled us together and I felt sparks and fireworks bursting through my body. 

"Oh doll!" he smiled the biggest I had ever seen once he saw our little baby. He took her from my arms and held her closely against his chest. 

I found out I was pregnant soon after Dally had departed for war. I wanted to keep her a surprise for him once he returned home. I already knew he was attached and in love with her. 

"My two girls," he awed, " what's her name?" he asked.

"Delilah Belle Winston," I stated proudly.

"Oh God, she's perfect."

We drove back home to the Curtis' and celebrated Dal. He told the gang interesting war stories that fascinated their minds while Dally was telling me how there was never a day where he didn't think of me. We went back to our little home and laid down in bed together after many months and years. My family was complete. My boy was home and he had his 2 girls with him.

requested by: Emo_Lolz101  - I'm sorry if this is bad but I hope u liked it!!! <3

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