Dallas~ Fear

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I sat at home on my comfy couch waiting for my boyfriend, Dallas to pick me up on our date. I was wearing a tight dark blue dress that fit me perfectly and ny white leather jacket.My brothers and the rest of our gang were playing cards at the coffee table while I watched the time slowly tick waiting for him. Suddenly the door burst open, and I saw my Dal in his old, torn black jacket and a pair of blue jeans. He said a quick hello to the boys that stole a kiss from me. We waved goodbye and drove off to Bucks in his red truck. He held my hand the entire time never letting go only to open the door for me and then regain his grip. We went up to Buck and ordered some shots for the both of us. There was a band performing on the stage that blasted loud rock and made the voices around us tune out.

"Ima go say hi to Tim and his buddies, you wanna come?" Dal asked knowing I didnt like Tim due to the fact he asked me out multiple time making me uncomfortable.

"Its good babe! I think I see some of my classmates! Once your come find me!" I shouted trying to talk over the loud speakers. He nodded and we parted our ways.

《Time Skip》

I hung around my friends P.J and Kelsey for a while then seperated ways to find Dal. I spent maybe a little over an hour talking to them and drinking with them. I saw Curly leaning against a wall and I decided to ask him where Dal was.

"Hey Curls! You know where Dally is?"

"First stop calling me Curls, second, I think hes at the bar drinking."

"Alright CURLS! Thanks and seeya later!"

I walked over to the bar and froze at my sight. Dallas had a blindfold over his eyes while some girl was dancing all over him and grinding on his lap. I immediately stormed over there and ripped her hair which made me chuckle because she was wearing a blonde wig. When I ripped her hair, the wig came off easily making eveyone aroumd is chuckle or giggle
She looked at me super pissed, snatched her wig back, and stormed out of Bucks.

"Why'd you stop baby?" he asked in a seductive tone while still wearing the blinfold. He was super drunk and I could smell the liquor come out of him mouth.

I shouted at him, no screamed at him, "Why'd I stop? Thats all you have to say! I thought you were loyal Dal. I GUSSS I WAS FUCKING WRONG." I began to walk fast towards the exit and go home.

He stared at me wide eyed, confused why I just yelled at him. "BABY WAIT!" Hold up wait for me!"

I made it to the lot before I felt my arm being dragged to someone. Dal had a confused and worried face while he had a tight grip on my wrist and the other held my waist.

"Baby why you acting like this?"

"Dont you ever call me baby again." I growled.


"No Dallas! Leave me the fuck alone,'' I had tears pouring down my face and knew my mascara was fucked up. "Dont touch me, look at me, say my name. I dont ever want to see you again. You hear me! You disgusting pig, whore and horrible-"


I was interuppted by a sharp pain coming acrross my right cheek and it instantly started to sting. I held my cheek while looking up at Dallas. He had a face of instant regret and his actions sobered him up real quick.

"Goodbye Dallas." I ran for my life while I heard my name being called out repeatedly and footsteps following me. Lucky for me Im on the track team and I am really fast. I dashed back to my house and locked the door instantly so the pig couldnt get in. All the boys attention were on me and confused why I was a mess. They flooded towards me giving me a huge hug which was when I decided to break down even further in their arms. They all exchanged looks and brought me to the couch. Darry was the 1st one to break the silence.

"What happened sis?"

"Dal he c-cheated on m-me and h-he slap-ped me and-" I hyperventilated and sobbed. The boys' worried and anxious faces turned red and filled up with anger. Two brought out his switch and said,

"Im killing him."

Once he said that the door started to shake and we heard pounding coming from it.


"DALLAS FUCKING WINSTON YOUR DEAD!" Pony and Soda shouted while all the boys ran to the door until I yelled,

"STOP! Dont kill him let him go through this pain and just bruise him up a little. Dont actually, but dont bring him in this house. I cant see him anymore." The boys nodded while we heard Dally pleading and begging for us to let him into the house.

That was the night I feared Dallas Winston..

part 2 coming soon... new book will be published soon!!!!

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