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_Y/n Pov:_

I was at my cousins house and we were just talking until the phone rang. She got up and went to answer it as I continued to listen to the low volumed music and paint my nails. I have been feeling a lot better physically, but my body still ached from the absent presence of Dally. I wanted to move on, but my heart longed for him and wanted to give him a second chance. I dont know if I could or would. It just depends on how he really feels.

"Y/N ITS FOR YOU!" My cousin shouted and I ran to the hallway and picked up the phone.

"Y/n hey! Wanna meet up at the lake? We're going to hang out and watch the sunset there. Dress real nice and fancy and do all ur girly shit!" Pony exclaimed. 

"LANGUAGE!" I heard Darry yell and I giggled.

"Alright Pony! ummm I'll be around there at 6! Byeeee!"

I looked at the clock and it was currently 2 p.m. I decided to finish my nails, eat a bit, shower, then get ready to meet with the boys. 

I curled my hair giving it loose waves and put on bits of concealer, put on mascara, and put on tiny little wings at the corner of my eyes. I put on the dress and headed out. (Dress below)


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I got to the park and I see candles forming into a walkway leading to the lake. I thought the guys we're just trying to cheer me up so I paid no attention to it. What caught my eye was rose petal scattered on the grass and it had D+I. I was shocked. I didn't know what was going to happen next so I continued walking. I reached the lake and looked around. No one was around me, but the scenery was so pretty and romantic. It made me want to bawl my eyes out and pour put all of the sadness out of me. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around to see him. The one man. The one I truly hated with all my heart but also missed and loved with all my soul.  He walked out of the gazebo wearing a tux and his hair fell loosely over his forehead. He had a whole boquet with him and had other little gifts in his arm. What appealed to me the most was a little book that had my name on it. I didnt know how to react so I froze in place as he walked towards me. The closer he came with every step my heartbeat faster. He reached me and put all his little gift on the park bench. Tears rolled down my face as he reached for my hand but I refused it. He did this all for me but he broke my heart. He seemed saddened that I declined his hand but understood. He began to talk to me and I cried slowly listening to him.

"I love you. I always had and always will. I messed up big time. I know. You trusted me and I did that. You dont love me I get it. But the only thing I ask for is for your forgivenss.  Im so sorry. Im so fucking sorry." He said looking at me with the dark chocolate brown eyes and tears piled up falling on his high cheekbones.

"I want you to forgive me. I need you to. I can't live my life thinking about you while I know your still upset. Forgive me and walk out my life, I'll be fine. But dont walk out on me right now." he reached for my hand and he caressed it slowly. I started breaking down and crying faster and hyperventilating.  Dally saw me and quickly went to hug me. I missed those arms around me. I never wanted to leave. After a couple minutes I calmed down and we pulled apart. 

"I forgive you Dal." he looked at me with happiness and hope in his eyes but there was another emotion inside. Fear. He was scared that I was going to leave him after and never encounter him again. The fear that I wouldnt be in his life. He gave me a slight smile and began to walk away. I hesitantly ran after him, grabbed his arm, and gave him a kiss. We kissed and it was the most wondeful feeling. It was full of love and soft, unlike his normal kisses. I liked it but I pulled apart.

"You broke my heart. But I still love you with all the pieces."

" HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE YOU Y/N!" he shouted and picked me up spinning us aroumd laughing. He put me down and smothered my face with little kisses and pecks. The thing I missed most was his presence. I loved him and knew I couldn't live without him

"Dal promise me one thing." I said holding the sides of his face.

"Anything princess."

"Dont ever leave me again."

"Never in my life am I going to do that ever again. Im going everywhere youre going and youre coming with me everywhere I go. Make sure nothing bad ever happens again." He said lovingly and winked at me.

"Y/n M/n L/n, will you be my girl forever?"


"Oh 1 more thing."

"yes? anything."

"I find you with another girl Im cutting it off." I said with a serious tone. I was joking but he knew that I might do it.

"Wouldn't plan on doing that. Only exception is our future daughters and grandaughters."

That response warmed my heart and we hugged each other for what felt like eternity. We walked back to the Curtis house and announced we were dating. The gang was really supportive of us and they were so glad to have us back. I loved them all with my heart.

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