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"DALLAS WINSTON HAVE YOU SEEN MY UNDERWEAR!?" I screamed from his room. I had been staying at Dal's for the weekend, but I needed to go back home now. Im still enrolled in school and I need to keep my grades up high. So I am currently packing up my belongings, but he keeps hiding it or unpacking my things. I love this boy, but he's going to be the death of me.

"UH I HAVEN'T BABE!'' he shouted from the bathroom. He came into his room wearing my underwear on top of his head like a hat.

"Dallas Winston why is my thong on your head?"

"Because I tossed it on the floor last night and now I want to keep it. I think it's very fashionable dont ya think?" he winked at me and I blushed.

"Dal give it back now cmon," I tried reaching for it but he was too tall amd kept swerving his head.

"Dal you can keep it but you have to buy me a new one now. That one's my favorite so don't lose it."

"I don't need to buy you a new one babe! It's just gonna keep being tossed on the floor because I-"

I turned into a tomato because he was going into details, "Winston buy me a new pair, now baby I really have to go now!" I whined. He pouted his lip out and I gave it a little kiss. He didn't budge or move a singl muscle.

"You know if I get home my parents are gonna beat my ass and restrict me from seeing you." I said trying to persuade him

'' Ok then I'll climb through your window, easy peasy! Now get back in bed please!''

"Ok I got an idea! If you help me pack so I can go back to my parents, I'll ask them if I can stay next weekend since I have extra days off. Then, I promise you that, that weekend I will bring no underwear and won't wear any. You can even keep my thong just help me get ready!" I said seductively trying to get him to agree. The last sentence I was begging.

"fine.." he grumbled.

"You better live up to your promise though babe. Or you'll get punished.' he winked.

"Great now can we leave then!?" I asked leaning on his chest.

"Yeah yeah hold your horses.'' We got into thr car, he dropped me off, and I gave him a kiss goodbye.
My parents agreed that I could stay over at Dal's place next weekend since I had good grades. Boy he was thrilled when I told him. That weekend Dal showed no mercy, and I couldn't even walk when I went back to school. The nurse even suggested I use a wheelchair!

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