14: Nothing is the Same

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Evie's Point of View

Why does it feels so empty inside my head? It feels like there's something missing. But what...? Then it dawned on me. The Eyes were missing!

I gradually opened my eyes, needing to find out where I was. I stared at the familiar ceiling of my room in the Urahara Shop. When did I get here? The last thing I remember was... Yajimaru starting the ritual to swap our powers or something like that.

I lifted myself so I was sitting. I was alone in my room. I looked down at my hands and my fear was confirmed. My fingerless gloves were not there. I no longer had the Eyes.

I stood up, but a wave of dizziness overcame me, and I fell to the ground with a loud thump.

"Ouch," I moaned, lying on my stomach. Maybe I'll wait until someone comes and helps me.

I watched the door open, and saw all of my friends, except for Ichigo and Toshiro. Where were they?

Orihime kneeled down next to me. "Are you alright, Evie?" Concern laced her words.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered trying to get up. Orihime grabbed my arm and helped me into a sitting position. "I just feel... different."

Yoruichi nodded. "I'm not surprised. You no longer have the Eyes."

I looked down, distressed. I had them my whole life. What was I going to do now?

"Don't worry," Orihime broke through my thoughts. "We're trying to figure out how to get your powers back to normal."

Before I could reply, there was a crash from the other room. "That was probably Ichigo," Uryu said.

Kisuke, Chad and Uryu left to go see if Ichigo was alright.

"How did you guys find us?" I asked.

"Hanbu came," Yoruichi explained. "He showed us the way, but by the time we arrived there, we were too late. The Alchemy Ritual was finished."

"Where's Toshiro?" I asked, curious and not quite willing to think about my lose of powers.

"He went back to the Soul Society," Orihime said. "After Yajimaru became a perfect being, the lock to the Soul Society disappeared, so Toshiro went ahead to let them know not to kill Yajimaru. If he dies, we won't be able to give you guys your powers back."

"Have we... Have we completely lost our powers?" I asked, the fog in my head starting to clear away.

"No," Yoruichi shook her head. "You and Ichigo have just switched powers... kind of. You have soul reaper powers now, but Ichigo only has Michelle. We believe Yajimaru has Rachel."

I nodded, remembering what Yajimaru said.

"Do you know what he wants?" Orihime asked.

"Yeah. Apparently he wants to destroy the Soul Society."

Both their eyes widened. "Really?" Orihime asked uncertainly, like she wasn't sure whether or not to believe me.

I nodded.

"This is getting annoying!" Yoruichi yelled suddenly. "Doesn't anyone think about what'll happen if the soul reapers are destroyed? Who's going to deal with the hollows once their gone?!"

Me an Orihime looked at her shocked. Yoruichi normally stayed calm and playful.

With her rant done, Yoruichi asked, "Is there a reason to why he wants to say 'bye-bye' to the Soul Society?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea. I wanted to ask him, but I never got the chance."

I stood up, feeling better, but still empty. "Have you had any luck figuring out how to get our powers back?" I asked.

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