Chapter one

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They say the stars shine brighter than the moon, but how can something shine brighter than the ruler of the night?

Growing up I never understood what feelings were, how to express them or how to accept them for what they were but that all changed when I met them. The ones who I cared for, the ones I would do anything for, the ones who I would kill for if needed too. The ones I would walk with even when I die. Because they had been there for me even when I let them down, when I went down they were willing to go down as well. They lied for me and they were willing to put everything on the line for our friendship even if that meant reaching the stars in the end.

Chapter One

It was 6:45 in the morning and I was waiting for the bus while talking on the phone with my best friend, Marcie. Me and her have been friends for a couple of years now even though we never see each other as much as we want to but it's whatever. She's two years older than me so she doesn't get away with things as much as I do.

"Yeah I know." we both let out a laugh.

"Isn't that the truth." said as the bus pulled up

"Hey girl, I gotta go, my ride's here." I told Marcie I had to go.

" I still don't understand why you take the bus when campus is literally right there." she let out a sigh.

"You know why. Anyways I gotta go love."

"Bye best friend, Don't get into any trouble! I still wanna hang out with you today!"

"Okay i will do my best not to." I let out a chuckle. As she hung up I put my phone in my back pocket and got onto the bus.

Another day at this place.

Mooreway was a school that was for the ones who were "special" : the athletic, the smart, the musicians, and me the artist. My best friend had gotten a good acceptance into the school she wanted. It was a private university school that was far away from mine. She needed to get away from her family problems so that was the best option, which i didn't mind, she needed some time to figure herself out so i had to let her leave.

As I took my seat in the back all eyes were on me, I hated it. I was considered the schools freak, i was an artist and a good one at that, but they saw it as a mistake, they always asked what was so great about art, i was the only artist who got accepted for this school year and all the other artists dropped out or were kicked out due to the bullying and the hard courses and them failing their academics.

I admit that it wasn't what i expected, but i promised myself i wouldn't go home until i finished. I wasn't going to let my family think any less of me than they already do.

One person in particular loved to mess with me, Justin Morris, he loved to make things more difficult than they already were. He's a racer, a really good one too, he races cars, derby bikes, and track races.

He always comes in first, and I'm always the one who makes the posters and the flyers for every club, race and competition for him, even before everyone dropped out he had me do the work for him.

"Yo' Julie, Where's your art, you finally decided to quit?" I rolled my eyes. Idiots like him are why my friends dropped out. "If she quit she wouldn't be here." a music artist Ryleigh spoke up.

Me and Ryleigh had the same music classes, I might have been accepted for my art skills but I also learned I could take music as well, and so that's what I did. "Don't you have game plays to sort through?" I asked as I took my seat and put my headphones on.

As I waited on the bus in my single seat I had pulled out my sketchbook and my pencil. I started drawing a kitten with a little petal on its nose followed by other petals and flowers around it. It reminded me of my kitten, Midnight.

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