chapter Nine

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I laid in the bed for a few moments and then decided to get up to wash off my face.

It took us years to build this tree house, With the help of Kendlie's father that is. He had been working on it since she was four years old. It took him eight years to finish it. So when they gave us the beach house they also gave us the treehouse. After she passed her dad said nobody else knew it was there so we could have it for free.

I didn't mind it because it was so high up I could see the whole beach and the balcony on the north side shows the stars so clearly since there are no trees to block the view. We get our water from the trees. We actually have a water system beside them. Being rich really does have its perks. They rigged it to come from the river and they put a filtering system and the rest I don't know how they did it. We don't have a shower since there is a beautiful waterfall about five minutes from here. It has a back wall cave in it so nobody can see us. We each have our own room, we have our own pool table that Mel got for her fifthteenth birthday. Kendlie got a foosball table for her fourteenth birthday. At last but not least we have a flat screen tv we bought together with our savings and allowances. Thanks to solar power it all works great.

This place can hold about ten fifteen people. It connects to five trees and the center is our gaming area. I would always bring stuff here from when I still lived with my parents. Books, Game consoles, pots and pans, Clothes that still fit, pillows, blankets, sheets, posters, Mangas, stuffed animals, art supplies, Notebooks, Paintings, wall decor, tapestries, And LED lights that are connected to the solar panels as well. All of it made us feel at home. We all brought something from home, dressers, chargers, collectables, antiques,such as figurines, dolls, and Music boxes.

This is our second home. Ken and Mel got along with their parents. Marcie and I didn't have that relationship, So this really was our second home. We would spend our summers here along with our Fall, thanksgiving, and winter break and birthdays here. My parents would be tired of me within the first three days. I can't blame them for that. I wast always the nicest person, Being tormented by my siblings always got to me. I tried to ignore them and when I couldn't I would lash out and I would always be the one who got yelled at and I would yell back. I didn't like being bothered because i knew if i was i would get irritated because when you sit down you have to get back up within the five minutes you sat down and if you were not fast enough you'd get in trouble, So when I started spending holidays and birthdays with the Mills and the Smiths the rest of my family didn't like it but my parents saw it as a way to get rid of me.

Most of the time i felt glad to get away but at the same time i felt lonely because i would be here by myself or with marcie. I told the two girls I would go to my parents for the holidays but in reality I came here. We all agreed to meet up here when we were heading back because if one went on vacation to a different country or state we would each get a christmas gift from them and put them on the wall or on the mantel. Before we would leave we would go to the river, waterfall or to the beach and take a picture together. It was tradition, one of those pictures was hanging in my living room back at the house. It was the same one Justin asked about.

I was wearing my bathing suit with a 50s chocolate shake cup with a striped straw whipped cream and a cherry on top, while wearing my sunglasses and a white see through sarong that had a little design on it that matched my top . Marcie was wearing a similar bathing suit but she had a Black sarong around her waist with the same design as mine, Mel had a ruffled baby blue sarong around her stomach to match her baby blue ruffled bikini top. Kendlie had a white kaftan beach cover up over her black bikini. We all had milkshakes in our hands making funny faces at each other that we didn't even notice the photographer.

I miss hanging out with the three of them. Sun tanning at the beach in our bikinis. Stealing each other's sarongs and kaftans. I miss our quadruple super sunday milkshakes, It's just not the same, for the past four years we have been going to the same diner in memory of them. I still remember the first time we walked in without the two.

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